red lipstick and split knuckles.

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🎧 – fuck it I love you – lana del rey

Amelia was in her room with Missy, picking out an outfit for tonight, Missy said tonight was the perfect night for their plan, Amelia wasn't really sure, seeing Spider lash out today made her think if messing with him was really worth it.

"Look, don't think about it as making him regret it, just think of it as dressing up in a super-hot costume and having fun tonight, whatever he thinks it out of your control." Missy stated, looking through Amelia's wardrobe.

"Your right, I am a slut for a good costume party." Amelia laughed as she looked down to her textbook, finishing up on her homework before the party.

"What about this? Would you get your nose out of that fucking book, you're already smart enough, you're like a girl from those weird harry styles fanfictions." Missy joked.

"It's a textbook, not a novel." Amelia laughed, looking up at the outfit Missy was holding, it was a short white lace dress, Amelia widened her eyes, loving the dress. "Omg, with white underwear, I'm thinking white knee length stockings, I have some of those actually, I will just need wing's and a halo, and I could be an angel?"

"A fallen angel, I'm covering you in blood bitch." Missy said, nodding her head and laughing slowly, Amelia laughed, going over and pulling out her white underwear set and her stockings, putting them in a pile.

"Sounds like you have been wanting to go that for ages." Amelia said as they walked to the car, going to the shopping centre to get some things for Amelia's costume and Missy's costume.

"Yeah, I'm secretly a murderer." Missy laughed as she got in the car, Amelia laughed and pulled out of the driveway.


Once the girls had picked up their things, Amelia dropped Missy home so she could get ready, Amelia had done her makeup, rhinestone tears with red lipstick, when she was ready she left to go to the party, deciding to walk since Amerie lived close to her.

She had just walked in, Amelia had already gotten compliments on her outfit, she felt more and more confident the more she walked around, squeezing through people, trying to find someone to sit with.

"Darren, Amerie! Hey guys." Amelia called out as she saw the two sitting on the couch, taking shots, "Omg, Darren are you an angel too? You look so good." Amelia commented.

"No way girl, you look too good, you pulled it off better than me, and I never admit that to people." Darren laughed, passing Amelia the bottle of vodka they were holding, Amelia said thank you and took the bottle, taking a swig. Amelia sat on the arm of the couch, next to Darren.

"I am completely, utterly, spiritually, and hormonally done with cash, he's an asshole." Darren complained, pouring the group more shots, passing Amelia one.

"Shush now, no more drama, drink up!" Amerie called out, the group cheered as they downed the shots, grimacing at the burn, Amelia looked around and saw Malakai walk in holding twister.

"Hey, I didn't realise this was gonna go off." He said to Amerie, standing awkwardly in front of us.

"Oh yeah, all these people just kind of started showing up. You didn't bring any..." Amerie pointed towards Malakai's hands.

"No, not drinking tonight." Malakai finished for her.

"Oh, okay. Um, make yourself at home or whatever." Amerie said, nodding towards Malakai, who nodded back and walked off, looking a little defeated.

he's a mess, but he's all i want || spider whiteWhere stories live. Discover now