fuck you, literally.

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🎧- imgonnagetyouback – taylor swift

⚠️ - this chapter contains sexual content.

"What the fuck Spencer! You told Amerie not to tell me! You both fucking knew about it! Everyone except me, knew about it, do you know how fucking stupid that makes me look!" Amelia yelled at Spider as soon as he opened his front door.

After trying to forget about what Amerie had told her today, she decided she was going to go out of her comfort zone and confront Spider.

"Stop fucking yelling at me!" Spider yelled back, quickly getting confused about what was happening.

"No, you are the fucking worst, you're a fucking liar, you gaslit me into think everything was okay, when it fucking wasn't, if you don't seriously think about the type of person, you are, then we are fucking done, okay! I'm seriously can't do this anymore." Amelia yelled, stepping into Spider's house.

"Mia, please calm down, I don't understand what you're trying to tell me." Spider said, leaning against the wall and looking at Amelia.

"You told Amerie not to tell me about the rumour, yes, or no?" Spider nodded his head and looked down, "That's fucked up, why did you not want me to fucking know? Did you want me to look stupid in front of everyone?" Amelia yelled; she was so angry that Spider could have done this.

"No, of course I didn't Amelia. I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was that big of a deal." Spider told her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, it wouldn't have been if you told me, it was a lie. But since you didn't, it is a big fucking deal, God, I just fucking hate you sometimes, like you're such a fucking idiot-" Amelia was cut off.

"Mia-" Spider called, but Amelia was too busy yelling at Spider.

"No because why can't you just understand that I'm a human being too-" Amelia rambled, ignoring Spider,

"Amelia!" Spider yelled, finally getting her attention.

"What!" she yelled, looking over at him.

"I'm hard." Spider smirked, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows, being a little confused. "I have a hard on." He added, looking down to his crotch, Amelia did the same, her eyes widening.

"From me saying I hate you?" Amelia said, looking back up to Spider with a confused look, she held in her laughter.

"Um, do you want to?" Spider asked, seeming nervous, Amelia blushed and nodded her head, Spider walked over to her. "Can we pretend to like each other for a minute." Amelia nodded again and stepped closer to Spider.

Amelia pressed her lips to Spider's, standing on her toes to reach him, the kiss was slow and deep, Spider picked her up and walked her up the stairs up to his room, when they walked into the room< Spider put Amelia down, walking over to play some music.

He walked back over to her, leaning down and kissing her, running his fingers through her hair, making her smile into the kiss, Amelia walked him backwards.

Amelia pushed Spider down onto the bed and stood in front of him, breaking the kiss to watch one another, Spider reached over to her top and pulled it over her head, then he reached for her shorts and pulled them down her legs, Amelia kicking them off when they were at her ankles.

Spider took his time looking over her body, Amelia crossed her arms over herself, trying to cover herself from his gaze, feeling very vulnerable, Spider furrowed his eyebrows and gently pulled her hands away.

he's a mess, but he's all i want || spider whiteWhere stories live. Discover now