chapter 7

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Everyone was already present on dining table waiting for sidneet
Both of them sat

Ri - should we start I'm so hungry

Anu - what's new in that u were always hungry ( rolling her eyes)

Fai - I wonder how can you eat so much rii like few min ago only u eat snacks still u are hungry

Ri - my mouth my stomach why does it bother u all I can eat how much I want

Reem - God anu how u bear him like seriously

Anu - well I myself don't know

Ri - yar why u all always team up together against God no one understands me( sarcasticly)

Everyone roll there eyes except avu and VA

VA - kids stop bothering him and start eating your breakfast

Ri - only u can understand me anuty
Love u

Avu was watching all these and she somewhere feeling nice after years she feel like family she adore there friendship
And only reem notice this

Reem ask through her eyes is she okay while avu nodded

Reem - oh I forgot to introduce you all to avu sorry

Everyone think that reem going to introduce but

Reem - so you all introduced yourself fast( with smile)
Everyone look at her like she is alien or someone

Reem - why are u all looking like this at me as if I'm not human

Sid - we think u are going to tell about us to her

Reem - arre why will I take this much efforts( casually)
While jai smile at her cuteness

Vaish - OK so first I will introduce myself I'm vaishnavi nigam wife of abhishek and by profession I'm fashion designer u can call me Vaish or vaishu

Abhi - I think u know me already you can call me whatever you want

Avu nodded her head

Jai - hi I'm jaijeet Singh and I work with sid  u can call me jai as everyone calls me that only

Anu - well I'm anushuka and I work with sid only . I'm gf of this idiot (pointing towards ri ) and u can call me anu

Ri - (to anu )hey I'm not idiot (to Avu) hello I'm riyaz, I work with sid and u can call me rii.I'm (before he can say anu cut him and say)

Anu - and he is big foodie

Jai - food is his first love and he can eat so much food even if his stomach is full

Jan - and no matter how much food he eat he will be always hungry

Avu give small smile

Jan - I'm jannat zubair I'm fashion designer like vaishu and works with her only. I'm gf of faizu .you can call me jan also

Fai- hey I'm Faizal shaik . I work with sid
And you can call me fai.

VA - hello I'm mother of abhishek and siddhart. Assume me as your mom only.  And I hope you will get comfortable with us soon. feel free to tell me if anything bother her (she smiled )

Avu also give small smile to her

Sid - u know me and there is no need to explain (rudely)

Avu - I don't even need to know (with same expression)
Before avu could introduce herself reem say

Reem - I will introduce her she is avneet kaur owner of AK. An complete introvert . Have angry and trust issues so don't mind her at all
You can call her by many names avu, avi and more (smiling )

While avu glare at reem and everyone except sid chulked at them

Actually reem have already tell everyone about avu so that all can make her comfortable and everyone agree to help her except sid
(Note - everyone knows about sidneet fights)

After breakfast everyone went for there work
Sid, jai, fai, ri went from sid car
While avu ,anu, reem went from there car....

All reach SN everyone greet them while sid introduce avu and reem to employee he not reveal avu real identity as she warn him

(Note - avu and reem going to work in SN only )

Sid- I will show u your cabbin as that is next to mine only.

Avu nodded while some girls empolyes were jealous of avu and were glaring her but of course it not going to affect avu as if she care
And the most jealous one is shriti she is PA of sid
(fictional character)

After a while
Avu was working in her cabbin as she is workaholic she didn't care about anything else at all

Shriti being jealous come into her cabbin as she didn't knew who avu really is

Shritit barged into her cabbin which make avu angry

Avu - (angrily) don't u have manner to knock first before coming

Shriti - well I don't care about that here are some files sido Sir gave she say so she can make avu know that she is most important person but as if our queen avu care 😏

Avu - OK keep that files here

Shriti -( feel insulted and say with full of ego )  how can u talk rudely to me don't you know who I am . I'm PA of sid sir

And it make avu so annoyed

Avu - so what you expect me to thank you or to do pooja of you (cold and sarcasticly)
(Author - oh my sassy queen)

Shriti feel insulted again
Shriti - how can you insult me like this don't you know if sid sir will know this na they will not spare you at all

She said making avu more angry
Avu yelled angrily at her

Avu - what is your problem can't you see I'm working here and I'm not scared of anyone get out of my cabin fast before I lost my control otherwise no one can be more dangerous than me and If your sir care  so much about you than do this drama in front of him only I'm not free like others  ( dangerously)

And it make shriti scared she go out of her cabin stomping her heels on ground
While avu rubbed her forehead to clam herself

So how was the chapter how was avu savageness

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