chapter 15

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Next Day

Everyone was planning about jai proposal for reem

Everyone except reem was present on terrace discussing

Avu - so this is final plan OK

Everyone - yeah

Jai - everyone don't do any mistake ha it is so important day

Anu - we will do good only think about ur self  main role was your only ( rolling her eyes)

After some time everyone was ready for there plan

While everyone was present on dining table and reem was also there

Reem - so guys what is today's plan
(she say with excitement)

Anu - well actually me and ri was going to meet my family as they returned from Business trip

Jan - well me and vaish have one important client and we have to complete there design

Abhi - me fai and jai were going for some important work related company

Reem - oh so u all are busy and what about avu and sid

Avu - umm well reem we two have important meeting related our collab  and we have to go to check our project as well

Sid - yeah

Vibha - and today my friend birthday is there so I'm also busy

Reem -oh ( she became sad listening all are busy)

Everyone went for there work I mean for doing preparation 😏

Reem was alone at home well somewhere she is sad

While here at venue

Everyone was busy doing preparation and here our sidneet was fighting on small things

Avu - Bandar yar it is not looking good that way

Sid - wild cat I have literally change it 100 Times still you are not satisfied do it yourself only

Avu - yarr Bandar you can't even do single thing properly (she say begin irritated)

While both are arguing vaish come there begin annoy by there fight

Vaish - SHUT UP YOU BOTH !!can't u do single thing without fighting
Don't even say one word also now otherwise no one can be more dangerous than me and leave this work do something else ( she say angrily making them scared)

Both glare at each other while going somewhere else

Finally the arrangements was done and it was time to for real plan they message reem with unknown number

Let's see what it is

Reem was sitting enjoying Netflix suddenly she received message from unknown number

Reem pov
I was bored today everyone was busy in there work suddenly I received message from unknown
Who is messaging me now

On phone

Unknown - reem right I'm messaging to inform u that your bestie the great MS. Avneet kaur is with me

Reem - and why will I believed that so and who are u

The hell is this person well did he / she think that I will believe something like this of course no but suddenly send me photo of avneet making me shocked

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