:: Chapter 28 ::

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After sometime sidneet came back
And went in there rooms without any conversation

~• In sid room ~•
He enters room and jump on bed hiding his face in pillow

" yarr have gone crazy i literally confess her godd what should I do now my mind is not working at all " he said to himself

" now how will I face her "

After sometime he slept thinking that

~••••••• At Morning ~•••••••

All were present for breakfast expect
Sidneet ,lav and vedant

" guys why are u not eating eat eat aren't u all hungry " ri said munching sandwich

" cuz we are waiting for sid ,avu ,lavu and vedant as we are not bhukkad like u " anu said rolling her eyes

" anu don't waste ur time explaining him it is of no use u know na " jai said

"Heyy Bhagwan aajkal to kisi ke Bhale ki baat bhi nahin kar sakte ghor kaliyug " ri said dramatically

Till now sid had already come from his room

" hey good morning all " sid said while others also greeted him back

After few min only avu also come and greeted all

Both sidneet was avoiding each other glance

" umm guys why am I thinking is fishy her " reem said looking at sidneet

" hey why are u looking at me " both avu and sid said at same time

" well why am I feeling u both are avoiding each other like till u didn't fight also on silly things like u always do " reem said with suspicious look

" it's nothing like that actually we are also tried of fighting with each other all time it's not like u are thinking right wild cat say something yar" sid said

" yes yes he is right u are just thinking to much reem " avu said

Suddenly lav and vedant enters

" hey where are u coming from we were waiting for u two only " vaish ask

" woh actually di... "lav was finding excuse to tell but vedant held her hand to stop

" well we wanted to tell u something " Vedant said

All nodded

" actually lavanya and me are dating" he said directly

While sid who was drinking water listening that he spit it from mouth

And avu who was eating sandwich chocked on it and cough seeing it jan who was sitting next to her pass her water she drink it immediately

All looked at them with shocked while both looked at them nervously

" may I ask when,where,how it happened ?? " avu ask looking at them

Vedant explain all to them making all surprised

" ooh well congrats both of u " sid said with smile while others also congrats them except avu

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