:: Chapter 23 ::

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As Am and riya went out
Everyone was worried for avu and thought to give some time alone to her

After some time everyone went for there respective work including avu

In avu cabin

She was not able to concentrate on her work as her mother's words
'they must regret having daughter like u ' was not leaving her head she tooks out small frame of her father

Avu pov ...
Why the hell I was affected why this is happening to me only
Papa did u really regret having daughter like me??
I'm sorry if I have done anything wrong but u are the only one I can share my pain even though I knew u are not alive but still I feel u was always with me so plz don't leave me like others
Plz don't regret having me as daughter like mom did plz......
I was alive till now only for ur sake papa .....
As I thought this drop of tears flow from my eyes but suddenly I hear someone's knock on door

"Hey wild cat can I come in" it none other than bandar i quickly hide my tears and said

"Yes come "

As I said he comes in and sat on chair giving me one lunch box??

"Heyy wild cat take this lunch box mom has specially made it for u don't dare to deny okay " he said keeping it in front of me I smiled as I still have people's who care about me truly

"how can I deny it when aunty had made it for me"

" well have u done some magic or what mom never had made me special lunch since few year and see here u are getting it " he said in complaing tone while I chuckles

"umm well is that photo is of ur dad "he asked while looking at photo and I nodded

"how u get to know????"

"Huh don't u know my IQ is so high "he said complimenting himself while rolled my eyes and he did same copying me I chuckles at his behavior

" are u okay"he said looking at me out of nowhere i nodded

" i don't think u are maybe u are thinking about ur mom said that ur father must regret right?? " huh is he magician or something how did he know

" are u mind reader or something how u know " i said in surprised tone

" i tell u right my iQ is high well I just want to tell u that don't think about that at all cuz ur dad must be so much proud of u that they have this much strong daughter who don't need anyone for support at all so just leave all this taught's "he said while assuring me I smile at him cuz his words are actually true

" OK bye then " he said and goes out while I stare at his disappearing figure

What's with him sometime he is childish while sometimes he become serious of all but he is good...

Pov end....

At night
Everyone was present there including there friends and vedant but sidneet was not there yet as they have some work in office

Abhi - so what u all think where we should go

Everyone was thinking

Va - abhi,vaish how it is if we go to our village it's been so long

Vaish - ohh right mom it would be to much good

Lav - yeah and the nature there is just too good

While everyone else also agreed happily

In sidneet side

Avu entered sid's cabin

Avu - BANDAR!!

Sid - hey wildcat can't u speak normally why u always have to show u are wildcat (he say closing his laptop)

Avu - u know I can speak normally to human not to bandar (sarcastically)

Sid - leave it why are u here

Avu - i think u forgot u have home and u have to go there right

Sid - yes yes I was going to call u only now let's go

They both sat in car And ride start
After few min
Avu was looking outside suddenly she screams

Avu -STOP!!

Sid stop car with jerk

Sid - what happened (with concern)

Avu - nothing much see there is ice cream shop let's go to eat ( casually)

Sid face palm and said

Sid - just for this u scream god I literally get heart attack (putting his one hand on his chest) can't u just tell me normally and why to eat ice cream we have it in home u can eat there

Avu looked at him angrily

Avu- this is the reason I scream cuz I know that if I tell normally then u would never stop car (glaring at him)

Both come out and avu dragged him forcefully towards shop while he begin helpless can't do anything 😂😂

They order ice cream and after eating it they went home

At nigam mansion

Everyone decided everything about trip after few min sidneet enter

Sid - did u all decide about trip

Reem - yes we did

And she explain about what what they decide to sidneet while both nodded

~After sometime ~
Everyone was busy in doing planing about trip

In garden ::

Vedant was sitting looking at Beautiful veiw
Lav saw him and come towards him

Lav - heyy what are u doing here

Ved - oh u here well nothing I just come out for some fresh air and about u

Lav - i also come for some fresh air only than I saw u

Both sat there for few min talking

Lav - let's go inside then everyone must be searching us

Vedant nodded lav gets up to go but her leg slip she was about to fall but vedant held her hand and pull her towards him
And she falls on him there was eye contact between them but it broke after 1 min due to some noise
She gets up

Ved - a..are u okay ??

Lav - yeah I am thank u (she said trying hard to hide her blush)

And both went inside .....


Well how was the chapter guys ???

And how was sidneet moment

There is going to be so much fun in trip and as I tell soon avneet past is going to reveal

So stay turned
Aish 💜

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