OC dragon drawing challenge!

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Hi so I can't draw but I'm going to make up one of those OC draw challenges for you guys... So let's get started:

🖋️Wof OC Generator🖋️

If you have a sibling it's a hybrid
If you don't it's a regular dragon

Go to a random number generator site and choose 1-10 (or get someone else to choose on for you)

1- Icewing

(if it's a Hybrid roll again to see what the other tribe is)

If you're on a....

Phone: Female
Laptop: Male
Ipad: Other

If you have blue eyes: your OC is a dragonet
If you have green/hazel eyes: your OC is a teen
If you have brown/black eyes: your OC is an adult
If you have any other eye colour: you choose!

If you have a pet: add some scars
If you have a peircing: add a tattoo
If you have freckles: add glasses  

If you have all three give them a wacky backstory because why does it have scars, a tattoo and glasses 😂 (i'm joking btw I have all three)

If you have blonde hair: add a weapon of your choice
If you have brown hair: add a pouch/bag
If you have black hair: add horn jewellry
If you have red hair: add necklaces
If you have dyed/any other: add an earring

Scale colours depend on your tribe but if your phone is at...

75-100%- make the colours bright
50-75%- make the colours pastel
25-50%- make the colours pale
0-25%- make the colours dark

If you are single your OC has one of your tribes special powers (e.g. Firescales, heat resistance, leafspeak, mindreading ect.)
If your tribe has no special powers flip a coin, heads: you're an animus tails: you're not

And you're done! I'm thinking of making one for personality and that sort of stuff if I can be bothered. Write what yours looks like in the comments and I will rate them and give them a name! Anyway heres mine:

Hybrid: Yes
Tribe(s): Silkwing, Nightwing
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Extras: Scars, a tattoo and glasses
Wacky Backstory: He is actually a scavenger dressed up as a dragon
Accesories: A weapon (dagger)
Colour: Bright
Powers: Foresight
Ok lemme add some detail + a name

Starweaver is a Silkwing/Nightwing hybrid with BRIGHT indigo scales and silver star patterns under her wings. She is a TEEN. She is shaped like a silkwing but with only two sets of butterfly shaped wings and long antanae. She has GLASSES and a TATTOO of a butterfly on her wrist. She carries a DAGGER and is covered in SCARS. 

Lol anyway byeee.

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