Dragonets of the main characters🍼

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Hi so I found this image:

Which we can all agree is adorable, but it got me thinking

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Which we can all agree is adorable, but it got me thinking... what would the children of the main characters look like. SO now I'm going to predict their names, looks, and how many eggs each couple have. (btw this is just for fun, its not like a headcanon or anything) 

First off... Clay and Perils dragonets:

I really hope they don't end up together but it's canon so they probably will. I defintley think Clay would want lots of kids and Peril would want none so they would have like 2-3.

Amber: Oldest child, female, kind and takes after her dad. Is very protective of Robin. Sweet and Smart
Russet: Middle child, female, fiesty and enjoys hunting, is also very protective of Robin but in the sort of 'I will beat u up if you touch him' type of way instead of the sweet motherly way. Snarky and can be rude.
Robin: Youngest child, male, curious about everything, loves to eat, loyal, adores his family

Tsunami and Riptides dragonets: I definitley think they would want 1-2 kids and one has to be a female.

Current: Oldest, male, confident, tries hard to prove his worth, can be bitter and resentful, good at fighting and charming people.
Tempest: Youngest, female, in line for the throne. doesn't want the responsibility, daydreamer, wild, hates school but is still smart, adventurous.

Glory and Deathbringers dragonets: Both would want a ton of kids!

Charming: Twin-Oldest, quite, well...charming, smoothtalker, passionate, smart, independant, leader.
Aster: Twin-second oldest, (by 2 minutes!) very competitive, energetic, never stops moving/talking, sarcastic, funny, not bery smart but good at coming up with stupid ideas like launching sloths with hammocks.
Forestcreeper: Middle child, sneaky, quiet because she's always plotting, trains hard to become an assasin, smart, cunning
Blackberry: second youngest, persuasive and charms her way into getting what she wants, energetic, creative, snarky
Bat: Youngest, lovable, the baby of the family, sweet

Starflight and Fatespeakers dragonets:

Truthteller: Oldest, smart, shy, meek
Dreamchaser: bubbly, curious, witty

And I don't know who to ship Sunny with so I can't say what dragonets she's have. I might do a different chapter for the arc 2 & 3 characters!

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