ᑕᕼ: 2-3

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It was lunch break soon enough and San was making his way towards the detention room as he knew his friend would be rotting there because he saw Mingi getting scolded and been sent to detention.

As he reached there, he peeked inside with excitement but to his disappointment, he didn't see Mingi anywhere, even after scanning the whole room.

Suddenly a voice echoed. "San-ah~" He turned back knowing well whose voice it was but as his gaze fell on Mingi, his face formed a frown as he saw his best friend having his hands on shoulder of an unexpected person, Wooyoung. They were walking while smiling like old buddies and San felt irritated by that.

As Mingi came close to him, he (Mingi) waved to Wooyoung. "See you after lunch?" Wooyoung said to Mingi and the boy nodded.

Wooyoung went to his classroom but before that he gave a weird look to San. The boy just rolled his eyes. "Hey, what the fuck were you doing with HIM out of all people!?"

"Man trust me when I say I didn't wanted to get stuck with him. But getting to know him, he's kinda nice" Jealousy crept over San and he just shoved Mingi aside.

"Nice? Then go hang out with him only" he said with an evident pout. The other boy sensed the feeling and chuckled. "Are you jealous?" He asked San who was still pouting.

"AS IF" Mingi just chuckled and head-bumped San. "C'mon let's go to eat. You're irreplacable for me, get that shit inside your head. Now come" San hid his evident smile and followed his friend.

There weren't much people in the food line today so the boys got their lunch fast and they chose a seat to sit.

"So are you going to tell me what you were doing with the bully?" San still wasn't over the fact that he saw Mingi and Wooyoung together like long lost buddies. "You really aren't gonna let it go?" Mingi giggled and told the whole story to his sulky best friend.

"Ahh so that's how it was" With a piece of chicken stuffed in his face, San exclaimed. "Ew eat that shit first and then talk San-ah, though you look cute like that"

Before San could reply, he met with a pat on his back. He was startled and looked back to see none other than his first friend in the uni, Yunho. "OMG YUNHO WHERE WERE YOU!! I MISSED YO-" As he had food stuffed in his face, he choked while squealing.

"Bitch I told you to finish the food in your mouth first and THEN talk, but who am I to you that you'll listen to me? I'm sorry he's just so silly" After scolding San, on behalf of him, Mingi apologized to Yunho.

"Hey stop portraying me as the unhinged friend. Come Yunho, sit here" Without hesitation, Yunho took a seat beside San while chuckling.

"So Mingi-yah, this is my classmate and my only friend, Yunho and Yunho-yah, this is my bestest friend, Mingi" The both boys gave each other a wave, accompanied by a smile.

"Nice NOT bumping into you Mingi" Yunho said with a chuckle. It took a minute for Mingi to realise what the boy had said. "Oh wait- YOU'RE THE GUY I BUMPED INTO ALMOST 10 TIMES" Yunho nodded. "Realised fast enough"


I was just eating my lunch like a lost kid as my two friends kept talking between themselves. "What are you guys yapping about?"

"Nothing special, just me realising that I have met your 'friend' here before too" So you're saying my friend and my best friend already knew each other? Goddamn universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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