Ch 6 (Hello Hatsumes)

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It took significantly longer to calm Izuku down this time. Jirou sat next to him and hummed a song in his ear while hugging him, all to calm him down. He just released years of built up sadness and anguish, of course it'd take longer to make him feel better. When he eventually did calm down, Jirou simply rubbed circles into his back before getting up and leaving. The glare she gave Hatsume as they passed each other was full of animosity. The pink haired girl sat next to Izuku before gulping at the previous encounter. Her body shivered before she started speaking to Izuku.

Mei: "H-hey, sorry about the whole parent thing."

Izuku held out a breath before replying to Mei's question.

Izuku: "It's not your fault my dad left, and it's not your fault about the machine. While you did make the gateway thing, the actual base that determines the function was made by Power Loader. It was his fault for leaving such a dangerous bit of technology in the open with his student's own inventions. You could've probably tested it first, but that actually might've ended badly."

Mei turned to Izuku, surprised he was taking her side.

Mei: "What do you mean?"

The boy simply put his fist under his chin while entering the thinker pose.

Izuku: "If you tested the machine alone, and it did nothing, you'd likely try to improve the device. Best case scenario, it explodes and everything's back at square one. Worst case scenario, you have a device that could potentially do a lot of damage. I'm talking about the potential of mutations, age reversal, or creating conjoined mass like a tumor. All this thing did was complicate life for a few people. I think this is much better than a potential zombie apocalypse."

No one could really argue against his point since he was indeed correct. A zombie apocalypse was much worse than a few toddlers running around. Plus, Power Loader was the one who left his machine in a compromising area, then add on that it was without any identification aside from the actual number of the invention itself. That was really all Mei needed to hear today since she was indeed blaming herself for everything that happened. It was then that a sudden yet stern voice cut through the air.

???: "Mei Hatsume, inform me why your in this mess?"

This was the voice of Aiki Hatsume. Aiki was a rather portly man in overalls and rubber boots. His choice of shirt was a floral pattern v-neck. The blue orbs of his eyes carried power. He had short red hair styled into a combover accompanied by a red soul patch. While his quirk wasn't extremely noticeable, it could be seen that his glasses were actually connected to the top of his ears. Mei's Zoom quirk being a direct upgrade to Aiki's. Along with the man was a thin, almost stick-like woman. This was Mahiro Hatsume. The woman's quirk was the reason for her appearance as the more stress she's under the thinner she is. She had long white hair going down to her waist and pristine golden eyes. Her white dress was a one size fit's all do to her unique ability. Her pale skin was pretty blatant but it wasn't very prominent at the moment. Mei looked at her father before tightly closing her mouth. Seeing her hesitation, Izuku stepped in.

Izuku: "Actually sir, I think I can explain what occurred. I'm Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you. Anyway, your daughter was working on an invention when she accidentally swapped her project with the professor's own project. They had almost identical bases by sheer coincidence. I don't personally see it as your daughter's fault since it was the professor's negligence that caused the issue. Anything else you wish to have explained?"

Aiki looked at Izuku before recognition flashed onto his face. The man nodded at Izuku and stepped up to the couch.

Aiki: "You, your the one who defended my daughter against that rat, you saved her dream. I was told a singular guy was the unlucky son of a bitch who's DNA was used to make babies. Now I recognize that guy was you. Seeing as how you handled the situation over the phone, I don't have a problem with you helping my daughter through this. Just know one thing, if you ever hurt my daughter then I'll ring your scrawny neck!"

That resonated with Izuku since it was the exact same way he acted in Nezu's office. The boy simply nodded at Aiki while Mahiro ran up to Mei and hugged her tight. The woman's body then started to return in it's normal form as her stress disappeared.

Mahiro: "Oh god, I was so worried about you! Do you have any idea how terrified I was that you almost lost your dream! I had so many thoughts of you in depression or pain!"

Mei simply hugged her mother as she had tears in the corner of her eyes.

Mei: "I'm fine mom, Muscles here helped me out."

The two men just stared at each other with mutual respect before Aiki turned his attention to Mei.

Aiki: "Honey, I want you to understand that I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the school for allowing this to happen."

Mahiro let go of Mei as the girl looked towards her father, a smile gracing her face once more.

Mei: "Don't worry too much dad, I'm not making any mistake like that again."

The fact she was smiling again really made Izuku calm down. He was then brought out of thought by Mahiro asking him a question.

Mahiro: "Excuse me, Midoriya, do you have any baby stuff?"

Izuku started to rub his chin before nodding.

Izuku: "My mother should have some of my stuff left over if it's a boy, but I don't have anything in the event it's a girl."

Mahiro shrieked in glee before grabbing a sketchbook from nowhere and scribbling on it. Izuku was initially confused, not surprised as he does the same thing with his notebooks, but confused. It was then that Aiki cleared it up.

Aiki: "My wife's a fashion designer. She gets worked up on personal projects very easily."

The explanation was all Izuku got since Mahiro grabbed Aiki's arm and dragged him out the door. She kept on blabbering about materials and patterns. Mei simply thanked Izuku before she left to make way for the next person. There was some time left so that Izuku could talk to Kendo and get to know her first.

Characters Introduced:

Aiki Hatsume-Quirk: Unnamed. (I call it Spectacles.)

Mahiro Hatsume-Quirk: Unnamed. (I don't know, I thought about calling it Anorexia or Anorexic Emotions but figured that could be insensitive.)

Characters Mentioned:

Power Loader-Quirk: Iron Claws

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