Ch 28 (Night Life)

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Ibara was sitting back with Kinoko in front of her.

Kinoko: "So far you have a venue, a preacher, a baker, and a whole group willing to help."

The mushroom girl got a nod from Ibara as Kinoko checked stuff off a list.

Kinoko: "Okay, that leaves the flower girl, the ring bearer, the entertainment, and the guests."

Was that really it? It seems like there could've been more to it.

Ibara: "Correct, we're trying to keep it minimalistic."

Oh, that's why. Kinoko then looked around before leaning in towards Ibara and whispering.

Kinoko: "Also, you didn't hear it from me, but I think Midoriya might be more stressed out than he's letting on."

She got a pretty blank stare from her friend as Ibara shook her head.

Ibara: "We all already knew that."

Kinoko: "Oh."

In another part of the room was Reiko, Yui, and Jirou.

Reiko: "You know, I sometimes feel like time moves slower when we talk?"

She got a nod from her counterparts.

Jirou: "Yeah, it's like someone has to write a sentence between our words."

They're trying to crack the simulation so let's move away from them. Let's go to the group of Kendo, Momo, and Setsuna.

Setsuna: "Hey Momo, how will your quirk affect the baby?"

The black haired girl recoiled a bit before attempting to look at her stomach. She thought for a bit before scowling.

Momo: "I don't think I can use my quirk while I'm pregnant."

That's a good point. Momo's quirk uses the lipids from her body to create constructs, but when she's eating for two she can't really take away the nutrients a growing child needs. That actually raises another question though.

Itsuka: "Wait, what about your quirk?"

How would this affect Setsuna's quirk?

Setsuna: "You didn't notice earlier? When I moved the Monopoly board I couldn't split anywhere near where my womb was, see?"

Setsuna then proceeded to split every single part of her body, but anywhere near where her womb was couldn't separate. She even tried to pull it apart but couldn't. Seeing the effect, both Kendo and Momo looked at each other. Setsuna then reassembled before nodding.

Setsuna: "You also probably shouldn't use your quirk either since the rapid growth of your hands causes blood to rush there in order to compensate."

Well damn, that's three right there who can't use their quirks. Anyone else?

Momo: "Pony and Jirou also probably shouldn't use their quirks very often. If Jirou vibrates herself too much or creates too high of a frequency it could have a negative impact, and Pony's quirk uses keratin. Keratin is also used to create a human's nails and hair just to name a few examples. It would be horrible if her kid had a keratin deficiency."

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