Ch 4-Ch 14 (Family Supercut)

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It didn't take long for the whole set up to complete, an hour at most. The 1A dorms were devoid of students except the new parents, Nezu had completed his phone calls, and all the times were set up for the parents to arrive in order. Everyone that knew agreed meeting the families one at a time was the best idea. The first being the Asui family. Izuku and Tsuyu sat on one of the common room couches and finished talking about what to do moving forward. The two decided that Izuku would just help raise the kid and look after a pregnant Tsuyu. If it later became something more then they'd agree to a long term relationship. It was what Tsuyu wanted since she wanted Ochako to be the first in a relationship with him. It wasn't long after their conversation finished that four people walked through the door. There was a man with a toad-like appearance, Tsuyu's father Ganma Asui. A lady who looked fairly similar to Tsuyu but with a larger head, Tsuyu's mother Beru Asui. Then two younger kids, one with an obvious mouth mutation, and the other with seemingly no mutation. These were Samidare and Satsuki Asui, Tsuyu's younger siblings. The Asui family sat across from Izuku and Tsuyu as they were caught in an awkward silence. Izuku decided to break the ice.

Izuku: "Hello, I'm Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you."

Ganma looked at Izuku before nodding and asking a question.

Ganma: "Hello Midoriya, we've been informed of the situation. *Kero* Though there is one thing I want to know."

The toad received a nod from Izuku that he took as permission to ask and asked away.

Ganma: "Why step up here? *Kero* You're just as much a victim as my daughter, so why would you willingly step up and take responsibility for something that you didn't do? *Kero*"

The rest of the girls watching via camera and microphone also kind of wanted to know that answer too. Even Tsuyu was kind of interested since they actually hadn't asked why. Izuku looked down some before his early life flashed into his eyes. Deciding it was a good idea to be as transparent as possible, he started to tell them about his life.

Izuku: "Believe it or not, I was subjected to quirk discrimination growing up."

This caught the attention of the entire Asui family pretty quickly. Normally it was those with mutant quirks that face discrimination, so to see someone who looks relatively normal say that interested them. Izuku then continued.

Izuku: "My quirk was too strong for my body to handle when I was young and didn't awaken for my own safety. My quirk only awakened during the entrance exams, even then it was too much to handle. This meant I grew up quirkless, and as such, I was bullied both mentally and physically."

Hearing this all made a majority of the girls sad, but Ochako then realized that the first time Izuku used his quirk was to save her. Tsuyu was also fairly shocked as well since she never expected Izuku to hold such a dark past. Just like last time however, Izuku continued talking.

Izuku: "I wanted to step up in case my children end up in the same situation or have another kind of quirk that would be discriminated against. I don't want them to suffer like I did. My mom was a beacon to me, a shining pillar, but she also wasn't strong enough to prevent the discrimination. I now have the power to stop any discrimination my children may face, and as the father, it's my job to do so."

Beru smiled at that answer before looking towards her daughter, judging by the shocked expression, she likely didn't know that about him. Ganma chuckled before it turned into full blown laughter. The man then looked at Izuku before smiling.

Ganma: "I didn't know if Nezu was tricking me or not when he showed that recording of you in his office. *Kero* I thought you were a little wimpy upon first inspection. *Kero* However, seeing you now though, that look on your face, I can tell you're really passionate about this. *Kero* I was the exact same once we learned Beru was pregnant with Tsu. After what Nezu showed us, and what you told us, I think I can accept you. *Kero*"

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