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After about 30 minutes of waiting the results were there. No prizes, but definetely not bad. A fourth place with Jester and a last place with Bentley, but because we had expected the disapointment wasn't big. "Well, not too bad." Donna says.

We were about to walk out when we were stopped by someone I didn't knew, but Donna definetely did. "Mike! Long time no see." Donna says to the man. "Indeed! how did it go?" He asks. And for the first time in a while I feel invisible again as they continue their conversation. It reminds me of when I was younger, and it was just me and my mom at horse shows. She knew everyone and I stood there rather awkwardly waiting for her to finish her conversation.
Luckily Donna didn't take long, so we moved along.

This would be how I'd spend my weekends for a long time.

A few days later I was in my room, getting ready for bed whilst I had 'Brooklyn Baby' playing on my phone softly. My hair was in a braid, my teeth were brushed and I had my pyjamas on, ready for bed. A sudden peep from my phone got me out of my thoughts. It was my mom. I had been texting with her almost everyday since I arrived about a month ago. Just a few texts about how our days have been, nothing much because calling was getting difficult with the time difference, and we were both busy with work.

'How has your day been x' The usual text. I want to say 'nothing much', but as I was reflecting on my day it was actually quite fun. Although it wasn't special it was good, fun. After being here for a month I think I finally made some friends. Ofcourse with Tori, she could talk the ears off your head, but she's fun to be around, never a moment of silence.

Lola, she's timid, competitive, but she's always there when you need help. She reminded me of myself in a way, maybe that's why we get along well.

Donna, who I had been spending most of my weekends with at shows. She's a tough one, always ready to work. I think you can call her a leader, atleast that's what she reminds me of.

And last, but definitely not least, Amelia. She's not very talkative, but when you do get her talking you can have a good conversation with her. She's smart, knows what she's doing. She reminds me of my cousin, Julia. She was the same in many ways.

Other than the friend making part I have seen a lot of new things. I've tried new foods, seen new show grounds, which are huge in America, at least most of them are. I haven't seen a lot of any cities yet, but Tori said she's totally going to show me her favorite places. Her words, not mine.

I felt right at my place here. I wasn't the only foreigner, so I didn't feel like I stood out. Not with my accent, clothing or knowledge.

'My day was good! Did some riding and I'm having a lot of fun here. Love you x' I send the text when I saw it was 23:00, time to go to bed.

I set my alarm at 6:00, as usual and layed down in my bed.


Bit of a filler chapter, more in depth stuff will come later!!

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