Assault on SDC Mine

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(3,000 miles away from Jaune's location)

The sound of Vertibirds flying over the Arctic region of Atlas, as enclave sergeant was giving commands about the situation of the Faunus. As the soldiers & infantry yelled "yes sir!" Before the vertibirds landed and everyone got out except the pilots as they pulled out and flew away into a safe distance from the LZ target area.

The military group was mostly X-02 Black Devil power armor heavy infantry soldiers (which combined the armor of a tank and prowess of an entire infantry battalion)

The military group was mostly X-02 Black Devil power armor heavy infantry soldiers (which combined the armor of a tank and prowess of an entire infantry battalion)

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As the normal infantry soldier unit wore mixture of carbon fiber, and reinforced steel mixed with carbon fiber, made to protect against dust rounds.

The battalion moved forward in the cover of the snowstorm till an enclave sniper got into position and carefully positioned himself with the tree and aimed his sniper towards an Atlas soldier on a guard tower, as he looked into his sights and care...

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The battalion moved forward in the cover of the snowstorm till an enclave sniper got into position and carefully positioned himself with the tree and aimed his sniper towards an Atlas soldier on a guard tower, as he looked into his sights and carefully adjusted his aim before pulling the trigger as the storm blew hard covering the gunshot with the howling winds, as the bronze bullet priced the soldier's weak armor before he fell down lifeless, without anyone noticing him die.

The Black Devil troopers began the next phase, as they placed three C4 explosive charges on the gate, then backed up as the sergeant got into position, as one of the Black devils handed the Detonator over to the sergeant, as he looked around seeing everyone of his men & women in position. As the sergeant pulled the trigger and three simultaneous explosions happened as the gate bursted open as Enclave infantry soldiers pushed in firing at the SDC hired Atlas soldiers/mercenaries, who fired back at the enclave troops.

The two exchanged gunfire before Black Devils began shooting at the mercenaries, and moving towards where the unfortunate Faunus trapped as slaves were. Meanwhile the enclave infantry soldiers were searching for any remaining mercenaries, and for any type of  governments documents that could be used against the SDC.

[in the mine]
(Two minutes after the enclave engaged the SDC mercenaries)

In the underground Faunus slaves worked tirelessly as SDC Mercenaries and Knights-200 watched as an explosion from the gate exploded open, as the knights automated turned and robotically and aimed before they could fire three laser beams hit the knights and destroyed them, as the mercenaries turned before they too were gunned down, as enclave infantry soldiers walked in and begun freeing them. Most of the Faunus were the young (between the ages of 16 to 19 years old) and elderly (between the ages of 55 and 68 years old), as the Faunus were thanking the soldiers.

Up above a blip built to carry several thousand civilians, as it touched down, Enclave sailors and the captain were preparing to welcome aboard their passengers. When the snowstorm temporarily halted the soldiers began helping everyone aboard including the elderly. Several minutes later once everyone was onboard the crew began preparing to takeoff as enclave vertibirds touched down and the side doors opened as the soldiers began boarding it as each veritbird had two M134 miniguns. Once everyone was aboard and took off after the blimp did and began guarding it incase the SDC decided to take back their "slaves", which would be unlikely seeing as they left before anyone knew what had happened an hour prior.

 Once everyone was aboard and took off after the blimp did and began guarding it incase the SDC decided to take back their "slaves", which would be unlikely seeing as they left before anyone knew what had happened an hour prior

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(How WW1 started, because Otto von Bismarck (1815-1895) knew something bad was coming soon in Austria-Hungarian Empire)

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