Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

📍Pensacola, Florida

The next day after giving John some space, Talia walked into John's home office to have a conversation with him about her modeling and college.

She entered the room tentatively, unsure of how her father would receive her after their tense exchange the previous night.

John was seated at his large mahogany desk, glasses perched on his nose as he scrutinized the script in his hands.

He glanced up briefly when Talia came in, offering her a thin smile that didn't quite reach his eyes before returning his gaze to the pages in front of him.

Talia took a seat in the plush leather chair across from the desk, fidgeting with her hands in her lap as she gathered the courage to broach the sensitive subject.

"Hey, dad," she began softly. John set down the script and removed his glasses, giving Talia his full attention.

She could see the storm clouds brewing behind his eyes, remnants of yesterday's argument still fresh in his mind.

"I wanted to talk to you about my decision to sign with Wilhelmina Models," Talia continued gently. "I know you're upset that I'm not going to college, but this is something I'm really passionate about."

She went on to explain how she had dreamed of modeling since she was a little girl, cutting out photos of Gisele and Tyra Banks from magazines and pinning them to her wall.

She described the thrill she felt being in front of the camera during her test shoots, and how her agent said she had a real shot at success in the industry.

John listened silently, his expression unreadable.

When Talia finished, he let out a long sigh and nodded. "It's your life, you have to live it the way you want to and I'll support it," he said finally, though his furrowed brow betrayed his lingering disapproval.

Talia felt her heart sink, wishing she could make her practical, academic-minded father understand her creative ambitions.

But she knew only time would ease the tension between them. With a sad smile, she got up and left the office, hoping this conversation was one step toward regaining John's trust and acceptance.

A few minutes later, Tammy walked into the home office with a concerned look on her face, having just come from speaking with Talia.

Shaking her head in exasperation, Tammy asked John, "Why didn't you just talk to her about doing both?" She was referring to the disagreement between John and Talia regarding Talia's future plans.

John felt strongly that Talia should go to college before trying to pursue her dreams of being a model.

But Talia was headstrong and determined to move to New York immediately after graduating high school in a few months.

John rubbed his temples wearily as he tried to explain his perspective to Tammy. "Because she has to come to that conclusion on her own, I can't force her choices," John answered in a measured tone.

Though he wished to protect his daughter, he knew he couldn't make this decision for her.

Tammy sighed empathetically and walked over to John, taking a seat on his lap and putting her arm around his shoulder comfortingly.

"You know she thinks you're mad at her and don't support her," Tammy told John insightfully.

Though John's intentions were good, his strong opposition to Talia's plan had come across as anger rather than fatherly concern.

"I know but I'm not going to change my mind about this, Tam," John said resolutely.

While he understood Tammy's point, he remained firm in his conviction that Talia needed more life experience before chasing her dreams.

However, John realized he needed to have an open discussion with Talia about his true feelings. "I'll talk to her later and tell her how I really feel," John said, hoping he could help Talia understand he acted out of love and wanted what was best for her, not to sabotage her ambitions.

"Good, because I don't like this energy you two have right now," Tammy said as she leaned into him, wanting to relieve the tension between father and daughter.

As if on cue, John placed a hand on Tammy's pregnant belly and immediately felt a strong kick from their unborn son.

John couldn't help but smile at the sensation. "I guess JJ doesn't either," John said lightheartedly, referring to their baby boy's nickname.

Tammy placed her hand over John's and said knowingly, "He wants his daddy and sister to make up." The wisdom of their child's innocence was clear.

John knew Tammy was right—for the sake of his family, he needed to have an open and honest discussion with Talia.

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