Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

📍Pensacola, Florida

The sibling dynamic between Jonathan, Tammy, and Jonathan's wife Trinity was complex and often entertaining.

Tammy, the younger sister, seemed to delight in poking and prodding her older brother Jonathan, much to his chagrin.

On this particular day, Tammy had decided that her mission was to annoy Jonathan by visiting him at his home and competing for the attention of his wife Trinity.

Joshua was going to love this when Jonathan called him to complain about Tammy stealing Trinity's attention from him.

As Jonathan opened the door to his house and saw his sister standing there, he let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head.

"Man, Tamaeva, go home," he said, using her full first name in a clear sign of his mounting frustration.

Tammy, however, was undeterred. She breezed past him into the house, a mischievous grin plastered across her face.

"Aw, come on Jonny, don't be like that! I just wanted to come to see my favorite brother...and my favorite sister-in-law, of course," she said, casting a sly glance at Trinity.

Trinity, ever the peacekeeper, chuckled good-naturedly at Tammy's antics. She knew full well that Tammy loved to get a rise out of Jonathan, and she also knew that Jonathan's gruff exterior hid a deep well of affection for his younger sister.

"Leave our pregnant sister alone," Trinity teased, giving Tammy a playful nudge.

At the mention of Tammy's pregnancy, Jonathan's expression softened slightly, but he still eyed Tammy with a healthy dose of skepticism.

"She's stealing you from me. I don't like it," Jonathan grumbled, folding his arms across his chest.

Tammy let out a dramatic gasp, placing a hand over her heart. "Stealing? Moi? Never! I'm just here to spread a little sunshine and happiness, that's all," she said, flashing a wide grin.

Jonathan rolled his eyes, but Tammy could see the corners of his mouth twitching, betraying his attempt to maintain a stern facade.

"Jonathan, grow up and share," Tammy chided, giving him a gentle shove. "Trinity's big enough to have room in her heart for both of us, you know."

Jonathan opened his mouth to retort, but before he could, Tammy had already turned her attention to Trinity, engaging her in a lively conversation about the latest pregnancy trends and her upcoming baby shower.

Sensing that he was quickly being relegated to the sidelines, Jonathan let out a long-suffering sigh and muttered, "Let me go call your husband, Tammy. Maybe he can come wrangle you and take you back home." Tammy and Trinity both erupted into laughter at this, delighting in Jonathan's exasperation.

This was far from the first time that Tammy had descended upon Jonathan's home, intent on stirring up a little mischief.

The siblings had always had a unique relationship, one that was equal parts love and playful antagonism.

Growing up, Tammy had often found herself on the receiving end of Jonathan's protective big brother instincts, but as they had both matured, their dynamic had evolved into a more teasing, sibling-like rapport.

Whereas Tammy's approach with her other brother, Joshua, was more direct and confrontational, her interactions with Jonathan were marked by a certain playfulness and a deep-seated affection that often belied the surface-level tension.

With Joshua, Tammy reveled in the role of the annoying little sister, pushing his buttons and testing the limits of his patience. But with Jonathan, she seemed to take a more nuanced approach, using her charm and wit to draw attention away from him and towards herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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