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"Ugh" I squeaked and got up

"Get up el" my brother liam screamed

"GET OUT LIAM" I screamed

"Bruv I'm not even inside your room. Stop making a fuss and get up piglet" he said

I threw a pillow at him. Which obviously he took and went.

I changed into casual and got ready

I went down stairs.

"are you going somewhere?" my brother frank asked me
"No" I replied weirded
"Why are you wearing jeans weirdo" he said with a weird face expression

"Hey ma" I said to my mom getting down from the chair
"Hey darling" my mom hugged me

She was my only
"It seems there was someone in your room last night" my mom asked

"Son of a preacher man! did Leon tell you?" I said

"Since when did you use start using that my brother" frank interfered.

"Shut up franklin" I said

"My names frank not franklin" he said in a funny angry tone

"Nick name" I said

"By the way, mother. It was aaron yesterday. He felt out of space and wanted to speak with me so he came to see me. We spoke till 12 and he went. That's it" I told my mom.

"Well that was bad but ok. I was worse when I was your age" my mom said

"Mother" i squealed

"What are you speaking about" Leon asked

"None of your business" I took my phone and went upstairs.

"Sorry" Leon screamed from down

"Fuck you" I said and ran for my life upstairs.

"Who taught you these words" he asked

"Remember when we were younger?" Frank asked

"Shut up franklin" Leon said quite

"HES NOT WRONG" I screamed halfway to my room


"SHUT UP" I screamed

I went to my room.

It was a common to have 3 versus 1 or 1 versus 1 fight.

Frank came inside my room.

"Mom told me to tell you to get ready by 6 because we have aarons birthday dinner party. And you and I should sneak out by 12. Cause both of our men are there" frank said

"No for the first one yes for the 2nd one" I said

"Ok" he just said and went.

Aaron had a brother Adam, who was bisexual and only we aka his closest family friends knew and about frank only i knew and adam. Adam was the perfect match for frank.

My brothers are too scary for telling about a boyfriend or being gay.... they'll be too overprotective.

I went to sleep.

"Bro get up!! It's 5:45!" Frank woke me up
"Shit" I got up

Frank exited my room.

I got ready quickly.

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