dont leave

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"Hello brother" I said and entered liams room.

"What do you want?" Liam asked suspiciously.

"Well you know about the yacht trip right?...." I asked slowly

"I'm not gonna buy you drinks" he said angrily

"Please please please" I pleaded

"Ask Leon's permission" he said sarcastically

"I will" I said boldly and walked to Leon's room with severe regret.

I opened the door and saw Leon packing.

"Leonnn" I said playfully.

"What" Leon asked annoyed at me.

"Please can liam get me drinks?" I asked with a baby face

"No." he said stern as fuck

"please?" I pleaded and dramatically fell on to the floor

I couldn't have Maya get drinks cause we both have elder brothers who won't let us near alcohol.

Adam was too stern. Frank would go out me, Adrian would tell off, lucas will go out me to his brother. Aruv will just say no, Oliver will just ground me. Aaron would kill me.

Mayas older brother Tim would go tell my brother.

So I didn't have anyone but liam that's why I was so desperate and there was this big party Charles the prince of Wales who was ALSO a son of my dads friend was hosting....

"No, before you ask why, first of all your my baby sister, second of all is that my jumper?" Leon asked a series of questions

"First of all, im not a baby anymore, second of all yes." I answered.

"That's my college jumper" Leon scolded me

"It's nice, and its cool to say it's my brothers jumper. Cause Mr. Goody two shoes won't let me have a boyfriend" I said sarcastically

"Shut it el" Leon scolded me.

"I don't give a fuck whether you care leon" I said and got up.

"maybe stop being a kid and we'll see" Leon said playfully.

"Shut up" I said and went.

"Muah" Leon said playfully

"Tumah" I said making fun of him.

Leon laughed. I shut the door not finding it funny.

I face timed aaron.

"Sup cutie? How ya doin?" I asked

"Nothing" he said laying with glasses on and writing something

"What are you writing?" I asked

"Going through some work" he answered

"I miss you" I said

"Same" he said

"Can you come over? Please?" I asked

It was dinner. I sat next to frank.

"How ya doin frankincense?" I asked

"Not well and shut up Elizabethian" he said

"You try" I said

He hit my head "playfully" .

"Dad Frankenstein's hitting me!" I complained to my dad.

"Settle down" my dad said

"As if" frank said sipping wine

"Give me some" I said reaching out.

Frank hit my hand "No" he said

"Son of a b- breacher man" I said.

My dad gave me a look.

"Eli and frank" my mom said.

"My name" frank replied so confidently.

I could not stop from laughing.

"I'm sorry he just seemed so confident." I laughed.

"Stop it Elizabeth" frank said making fun.

"Well, eli, you do know that your gap year is getting over right?" My dad reminded me

"Yes" I said with a weird look on my face.

"Yeah so we thought of sending you go to s-" he said

"I'm not going to Oxford or some rich kid university in Sweden, Switzerland, or some Nordic country" I said almost angry.

"Well we are sending you to switzerland" my father

"I do not want to become Swiss cheese ok?" I said and got up.

"It's not a request, it's an order eli" my mom said.

"Ok, when is it starting?" I asked

"Next week" my mom said.

My parents are obsessed with nordic country because we are from sweden. It was awful and I said "ok" hiding my feelings.

"Look honey I get it that you dont wanna go but its for all of us. August is there." my mom said

"NO YOU DONT! August's father did the same thing to him and he went mad" I said and walked away.

"August is nice and he didn't go mad" my dad said.

August was my cousin, his mother killed herself and his father went into depression so he went to Geneva's boarding school.

I went to my room and locked the door.

I called aaron and said "can you come over?" Crying.

"Sorry baby, I cant" he replied

"Ok, Welterusten"

I texted august; "guess who's gonna have company?"

"Have you gone mad?" August replied

"No mamma och pappa var" I texted

"kommer du hit?" He replied

"ja, men jag vill inte" I texted

"jag är så glad!! Jag älskar att tortera dig!" He texted me

"jag kommer att tortera dig också" I replied

"vi får se" he texted me

"är Wilhelm där?" I asked

"ja" he replied

"OK hejdå" I said ending it

"hejdå" he replied and went offline.

Wilhelm was August's bestfriend since birth, he was Greek and belong to Greek royal family.

He was my friend and ex friends with benefits.

He wad my age August was just a year older than me.

I just slept. I wanted to stop thinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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