Chapter Two: Plans

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As soon as the feast in the Great Hall was over, the group headed to the Undercroft underneath the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom. Most of the students had instantly headed to their common rooms, and prefects were busy directing traffic of new and returning students, meaning the halls were empty and free to roam for the group to sneak by without difficulty.

The clock face instantly opened and welcomed the students in. Sabrina finally felt at home as soon as she entered the iron gates and saw the familiar stone walls and magical fireplace warming the space.

"How much did you hear over the summer?" Ominis asked when Sabrina settled next to him on the couch in front of the fireplace. His arm instantly wrapped around her waist and held her close.

Sabrina answered truthfully. "Not much I'm afraid. We were so busy traveling. What happened?"

"Nothing serious happened," Anne explained instantly.

"What does that mean?" Sabrina asked her. She looked back at Ominis. "Did you have a run in with Marvolo?"

Ominis glanced up at Sebastian and Anne, who were sitting on the smaller couch adjacent from them. "Sort of," Ominis said.

Sabrina stared at him as she felt her panic begin to rise. "What do you mean?"

Sebastian cleared his throat. "Ominis and I went to the Ministry in London to try and sort the property paperwork. While we were gone, Anne and Corvina took a trip to Hogsmeade. When we all got back that night, a neighbor came up to us and said that a grubby man who looked like Marvolo came looking for us."

Sabrina felt as if she couldn't breathe.

Ominis' grip around her waist tightened as he leaned in to her. "He didn't get to us."

She snapped her head to look at him. "Is that the only time?"

"As far as we know, yes. We  have nothing to worry about right now."

"But if he had gotten to you–"

"Nothing happened," Ominis repeated, trying to reassure her. "And now we're back at Hogwarts, and we've already spoken with Professor Weasley. She is not going to let him onto the grounds."

Sabrina still felt uneasy. "Do you really think that will stop him? And what about what Violet said was happening in The Daily Prophet? Is any of that true?"

Ominis exchanged another look with Sebastian.


He looked back at her. "We received correspondence from Coraline Rookwood over the summer. Her family still had ties and connections with the Gaunts. He went to them asking for money, and...." Ominis hesitated as he said this. "It seems that, besides Corvina and I, Marvolo is now the last remaining Gaunt alive."

They all felt the heavy weight of his words as they sunk in. The Noble House of Gaunt, something that was both revered and feared in the magical community and known for its devotion to blood purity and lineage, was gone. Ominis had once told Sabrina that the pressure of being in a family like that was almost suffocating, but those born into it had been taught to be proud of it, and to uphold the dark morals of Salazar Slytherin himself.

Despite how he felt about his family, there was a hint of sadness and regret in Ominis' voice as he said that, and it was not missed by anyone in the room. Sebastian immediately narrowed his eyes on his friend. "This is not your fault."

"If I had not left that party–" Ominis began.

"If we had not come to get you from that horrible place, you would have been sold off by your 'family'," Sebastian said firmly. "It is not your fault that Marvolo is on a murderous rampage. You were protecting your sister."

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