Chapter Thirteen: Missing Pieces

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"Let us bow our heads and pray. Our Lord God, who art in Heaven, we thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon this orphanage and the many girls that you have welcomed upon its threshold. We pray that you will continue to bless your daughters with your love, and that you will help them to remember your sacrifices so that they one day join you around your throne. In your holy name, we humbly pray. Amen."


"The Lord be with you."

"And also with you, Father."

As soon as the prayer was over, the twelve-year old Sabrina was out of her seat and rushing towards the door. She hated school, especially when the lessons involved ridiculous Bible stories, like the story they read today about Moses and his Jewish followers blaring their horns at a city wall until it fell. It was supposed to be a lesson on faith and trust in God, but Sabrina had learned a long time ago that putting your faith in God didn't always mean you would get results.

"Miss Sullivan, can you come here a moment?"

Sabrina turned to Josephine, who looked up at Father Conners surprised. The old man dressed in his intimidating black suit and white collar, smiled towards Josephine and motioning her forward.

"I'll meet you later," Josephina said to Sabrina.

It took Sabrina a moment before she finally was walking outside. Her stomach churned slightly, feeling as though something didn't seem right, but she couldn't quite place it.

A little while later, Josephine found her out in the courtyard. "Is everything alright?" Sabrina asked as soon as she saw her friend.

Josephine was beaming. "I'm just fine. Father Conners was just telling me that he was excited to see someone else from Ireland, like me! Apparently, he's from the same hometown as me, and he said it was nice to meet someone familiar so far from home. He even gave me some chocolate!"

At the mention of sweets, Sabrina was sitting up and looking at Josephines' hands. "Do you have any more?"

"No, it was just shared between Father Conners and I. He also said not to tell anyone he gave me a treat, so you can't say anything to anyone!"

Sabrina frowned. "That's not fair."

"Tell me, my dear, what do you see?"

Sabrina turned her face from staring at Ominis' constellation of moles to look up towards the dark sky above. The sun had set a long time ago, and now the stars were littering the night sky with a brilliant display of lights among the black abyss. They were laying in a field near Hogwarts close to the large jobberknoll tree, and from where they lay among the tall grass Sabrina could swear she could almost touch the soft stars above.

"Are you still staring at me?" Ominis joked.

Sabrina giggled and moved closer into his embrace. "How do you know I was staring?"

Ominis chuckled and leaned in to kiss the top of her head. "I can feel it. Now, answer me."

Sabrina took a deep breath and looked back up. "It's breathtaking," she explained. "The sky itself is black, and then the stars are scattered all throughout like millions of tiny candles. I think I can even see the Milky Way from here."

"Do you see any constellations?"

"Yes. I can see Draco. I can clearly see his head over here, and his tail wraps up and around in an arch. It doesn't really look like a dragon, though. He doesn't have any wings, so he can't really fly."

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