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Song of the chapter

Gods and Monsters by Lana Del Rey

In the land of Gods and Monsters

I was an angel living in the garden of evil

Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed

Shining like a fiery beacon

✮ ⋆ ˚。🏁🏎💨⋆。°✩

Isabella awoke to the gentle warmth of the morning sun seeping through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Her senses were still tingling, her body buzzing with the remnants of their passionate encounter from the night before.

"Good morning," Charles's voice broke the silence, his tone tentative as he glanced over at Isabella from his place beside her on the bed.

Isabella turned to meet his gaze, offering a small smile in return. "Morning," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Reality set in like a sudden chill, and Isabella couldn't ignore the weight of the consequences that now loomed over them. She and Charles were faced with a mix of emotions-guilt, uncertainty, and desire-all swirling together in a tangled mess.

Her mind raced, a thousand thoughts colliding in a chaotic whirlwind. What had they done? How could they face each other now? Yet, amid the turmoil, a part of her couldn't deny the thrill of their forbidden liaison, the rush of adrenaline that still pulsed through her veins.

Their intimate moment had been like a fleeting dream, but now, in the harsh light of day, they were left to confront the harsh reality of their impulsive actions. Isabella felt exposed, vulnerable, as though every wall she had carefully built around her heart had crumbled in an instant.

As they exchanged awkward glances and struggled through stilted conversation, it became painfully clear that they were both grappling with the aftermath of their reckless abandon. The air between them crackled with tension, their attempts to brush off the intensity of the night before only serving to highlight the awkwardness that now hung heavily in the air.

"Um, about last night..." Charles began, his voice trailing off as he searched for the right words.

Isabella nodded, her gaze fixed on her hands as they fidgeted nervously in her lap. "Yeah, about that," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I think we need to talk about what happened," Charles said, his tone serious as he met Isabella's gaze.

Isabella swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. "I agree," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

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