Chapter six

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I'm sitting on his bathroom floor crying my eyes out. "Will you get out? Are you ok?" He asks. "S-sorry..," I mumble between tears. I stagger onto my feet attempting to stop crying and clumsily apply my lipgloss. My hands are shaking and- it's not making me feel better...why isn't it working. I wanna go home.

I call my mom. She doesn't pick up. Peter knocks on the door. I call my dad. Nothing. I cry and put on some more lipgloss. I call Colton. He picks up.
"What's up bumblebee?" Fuck sake. "Please..where is Colton..?" I ask, trying hard to steady my voice. "Oh my god Brooke. You're crying. Where are you? What's wrong?" Noah says over the phone. "Please..where is Colton..?" I repeat. "Brooke he isn't here. Please talk to me.." Noah replied. "I have to talk to Colton or my mom or anyone, please, Noah?" I don't hear Noah's reply over Peters voice. "Why are you on the phone to that dick, Brooke." He says in a voice that scares the shit out of me.

"Is that Peter? Brooke. Are you ok? Did he lay a hand on you because I swear to-" I interrupt him. "I'm at his house. Please help me, Noah..." I mumble. "Oh, bumblebee..." he says, sadly. "He's outside the bathroom door and it's all my fault and I don't know what to do.." I say. "It's ok...I can assure you that it's not your fault. Just..try to calm yourself down. Put on some lipgloss or something..that cheers you up, right?"

I get to tell Noah everything. He even cries a little. I hear a knock on the door downstairs and unlock the bathroom. Peter must've already sprinted downstairs. "Will you just fuck off!" I hear him yell. I run outside and I manage to get past him. He isn't focused on me right now. "I will happily 'fuck off', now I know that Brooke is safe." Noah replies calmly, though I can tell he's fuming inside. "She was perfectly safe with me." Peter replies, walking towards him. "Didn't seem like it." Noah replies rolling his eyes. "You're just mad because you want in her fucking pants!" Peter yells, shoving Noah. Noah looks at me for a moment before looking back at Peter. "Seems like she didn't want to do it with you so I guess we're even, asshole." Noah says. "That's why you're here, right? To play the hero so you'll get laid?" Peter says laughing. Noah tenses his jaw. He wants to hit Peter. I want him to hit Peter. Petter shoved him again. "Well sorry dude but the little whore doesn't give it out easily, apparently." Peter says. Now Noah REALLY wants to hit him. And he does.

He leaps on top of Peter and starts to beat the absolute shit out of him. Though, Peter does get in a couple good hits. I don't like this. I hate when people fight. I just wanna go home. "P-Peter will you stop?" I ask, apprehensively. He ignores me and punches Noah even harder. "Will you please stop?" I can't stop my voice from breaking. I'm desperate to just go home. I feel like a little girl begging my mom and dad not to leave. I feel like a little girl begging my mom not to leave.

Noah is on top of Peter and he's about to punch him again. He looks at me and sighs. "Let's go, ok?" He says, softly as he stands up. His face is bleeding and he has a cut lip. He smiles at me and I can tell it hurt his lip to do so. It made me feel better, though. We drive home in silence. I don't know what to say. "Are you ok?" Noah asks. I look at him in surprise, how on earth could he ask me that when he literally has a black eye?! "I'm fine..are you?" I ask in response. "As long as you are." He answers. I don't think I was supposed to hear that. But I can't help but smile when I do.

"Are you sure you're ok? My mom could check your injuries..?" I offer. Noah shakes his head. "Ok...goodnight Noah. Thanks." I say. "Don't mention it. Night, bumblebee."

I get into the house and my mom looks happy to see me until she notices my red eyes and blotchy face. "My phone was off when you tried to call me..I..I didn't think it was important since you never called me back. Are you ok?" She says, immediately running over to me. "I don't know...I think I am.." I mumble. She doesn't make me explain it. I sit on the couch and rest my head on a pillow on her lap. She strokes my hair until I fall asleep.

When I get up I realise I slept in. I don't have the time to shower. I put on more makeup than usual because I look even more tired. I don't even understand how I'm supposed to get into school. It's boiling again but I put on a long sleeved shirt with a sweatshirt over the top. I look sad. I look like I was crying all night. I just wanna feel pretty for once. I wanna feel like I'm not ruining everything. I don't understand how to get that feeling. I put on lipgloss.

I quickly make a ham and cucumber sandwich before walking outside. I don't know what to expect but it isn't this. There's two cars outside my house one is Noah's and one is Peter's. When can I catch a  break? "I was gonna come up to the door but I wanted to give you some time.." Noah says, smiling at me and it's apparent that it hurts him. "Come on babe. Let's go." Peter says. "You don't have to come with me, Brooke.." Noah says, he can't find it in himself to smile about that. I put on some lipgloss before going to sit down in a car.

(Authors note: I didn't really know what to do after the last part lol. This whole thing is kinda crazy tbh. Credit to LilyannGrimwood for the idea for the beginning)

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