Chapter Nine

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     The following days after the battle of Geonosis felt like a blur. Count Dooku escaped, which meant there was going to be a war. After getting treated for his arm and getting a mechno-arm, Tahlia and Anakin escorted Padmé back to Naboo.

It's been days since they arrived at Naboo. Tahlia and Anakin decided to stay for a couple days to keep Padmé company and to make sure Dooku wouldn't show up.

Tahlia's eyes fluttered open and she reached for Anakin, thinking he was still laying beside her, but he wasn't. She frowned, sitting up and looking around the bedroom. Dressed in a white nightgown Padmé let her borrow, she got up from the bed and exited the room.

She halted when she heard a noise coming from the bathroom. Padmé's door was closed, which meant she was still asleep. Tahlia pushed the door open and peeked inside, locking eyes with Anakin, who was in the tub with his mechno-arm wrapped in plastic.

"I was starting to think you left." Tahlia said as she walked in the bathroom, approaching the tub and sitting on the edge.

Anakin raised an eyebrow. "And leave without you? No, I don't think so."

He reached for her, latching his hands on her waist and pulled her into the tub. Tahlia gasped as the nightgown was now drenched.

"Anakin!" She exclaimed, a light giggle leaving from her. "Why'd you do that?"

"Because I wanted to do this."

He pressed his lips onto hers, and Tahlia didn't hesitate to kiss him back. Water splashed as she shifted to straddle him, their lips not disconnecting. Her fingers tangled in his hair and when she tugged at his hair, he groaned quietly against her mouth. She noted to herself that he likes when his hair gets tugged.

As their lips continued to move together hungrily, Anakin slipped his hand underneath her drenched nightgown, rubbing her smooth skin. He bit her lip before he pulled away, starting to kiss her neck.

"Padmé can walk in any moment." Tahlia murmured as he continued to kiss her neck.

Anakin stopped and grabbed her face with his hands, his thumb stroking her smooth skin. "I'll meet you in the room."

All Tahlia did was nod as she got herself out of the tub, water dripping on the floor as she exited the bathroom and entered the room.

Not even a minute later, Anakin walked in the room. He didn't hesitate to crash his lips onto Tahlia's, lightly wrapping his hand around her throat. Tahlia started walking backwards untuk the back of her knees hit the bed. She fell back on the bed, taking Anakin down with her, neither of them pulling away from the kiss. Anakin slipped his hand underneath the drenched nightgown, his fingers trailing down her smooth thigh. His touch caused Tahlia to shiver.

Tahlia frowned in disappointment when he suddenly pulled his lips back from hers. Before she could say anything, he started kissing her neck, causing Tahlia to close her eyes and tilt her head to the side.

Tahlia bit her lip to stop herself from making any noise because the last thing she wanted was Padmé hearing them. Padmé knew about them, but it still would be awkward if she heard.

Two hours later, Tahlia was peacefully sleeping with her head on his chest. Anakin didn't fall asleep after they made love. He stayed awake and just laid there, not moving a muscle because he didn't want to wake up Tahlia.

Anakin knew he should feel guilty for breaking the most important rule in the Jedi order, but he didn't. He didn't feel guilty one bit. He wanted to be with Tahlia. He wanted to be with her for the rest of his life.

"I wish we can stay like this forever." The soft voice of Thalia spoke, snapping Anakin out of his thoughts.

"So do I." Anakin replied, taking a piece of her hair and twirling it around his finger.

And comfortable silence fell in the room after that.

"I got something for you." Anakin suddenly said.

Raising an eyebrow, Tahlia sat up and pressed the sheets against her chest. She watched him open the drawer to the nightstand and reach inside, pulling out a handmade necklace seconds later.

She took it from him, a smile forming on her face as she stared down at it. "It's beautiful, Ani."

"Marry me."

Tahlia snapped her head up, eyes widened in surprise. She was not expecting him to say that.

She breathed out a small laugh. "What?"

"Marry me." He repeated. "Here on Naboo. Today. Become my wife."

Tahlia was speechless as she stared into his eyes. He was being serious. Of course he was being serious. All he wanted was to be with her. And only her.

"Okay." Tahlia finally replied, nodding as she smiled widely. "Let's get married."

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