01 | the spring of 2019

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01 ☆ ( "IT WAS THE SPRING OF 2019

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01 ☆ ( "IT WAS THE SPRING OF 2019." )


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Spring. It was the season of blooming flowers and the ceasing of dormancy. It was also when the school year restarted, and especially for me, it was my last year before heading to university. Spring was usually colored in carnation pink and sage green, but happiness seeped through the silence, and so, it became french and basil.

The train bustled with a bunch of students wearing different colored high school outfits, varying from junior high to senior high. Some were colored green, some were black, and some were burgundy red... the train, which used to be for transport, had a car full of talkative teenagers, all wondering where their fellow friends were currently going. I sat alone, as per usual, the train stopping at the current stop.

That silence which was filled with my voided headphones was now faced with distracting chit-chat, a giggle escaping my best friend's lips. I fixed my glasses on my face, eyes still on the speeding scenery. "Rie," She cooed, poking my cheek. I gave her a look, screaming at her with my pointed look to keep quiet, but she cared little about that. "Wasn't break fun?"


"Are you happy to return to class for our last year of high school?"


"Rie," She warned, pointing at me with a cautious finger. "You better use your words. If it's because of what we did in early spring, you've got to cut me some slack! I didn't think it would be that high up!"

That's not what I was worried about, or rather, what I was speechless of. It's that my heart began to flutter at the reminiscence of March, at the person who caught me when I was easily fearing for my life. He would be at school, and I'd have to face him in a few minutes if he wasn't already somewhere on this train. His name was like a daze, like a beautiful, repetitive bridge that had exited its chorus, only filled with six syllables. Nishimura Riki.

"Do you think we're in the same classroom?" I ignored her question, starting a new discussion. She shrugged, leaning back, her head almost hitting the girl behind us. "Aoki Hanae, be careful. Can you please be self-aware of those around you?"

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