Chapter :2 Page:10

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Emiko stares in shock as she watched naruto attack Haku but then stop  when Hakus mask fell off

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Emiko stares in shock as she watched naruto attack Haku but then stop  when Hakus mask fell off
"Sasuke kun!"Sakura shouts out worried  as she then runs towards  her Senju friend  and Uchiha crush."Is he ok Emiko?!"Sakura says as she fell to our knees tears as theated  to spill."Dont worry he will be fine"Emiko reassured the pinknette."And Besides Uchihas are known to be stubborn  and he wont back down till he gets his revenge."She says with a small smile as she then starts to tale all the senbons out of him.After doing so her hands then begun to glow a gentle green.
"That was boring to watch"

"Well maybe its because  she wasn't  rised in the times of war?The academy  does not really teach  high ranked jutsus  as there was no need for sending kids to war no more"

"We can also train her to be stronger"

Uttered the voices in the young senjus head.

Soon the battle ends between Team 7 and Haku and Zabuza.As they were no longer enemies but at what cost...?
Before Naruto could  continue  Haku teleported in front  of Kakashis   chidori.Taking the hit for Zabuza.
As soom as Haku died ,Gaku and his minions  had  appeared.
Emiko had  been healing  people who had been injured  during  this time of battle and giving them all some food.She made a mental note to send some funds so the land of waves ..yes..That could make a great start with not much trouble for them.
She wished she was more useful  in the battle but she understood  that in that In the end they were able to do with without her.
She was proud of  her team,The people  of the land of waves.She was glad things took a turn for the good.

She sighs heavily in exhaustion sue has healed many people. But not everyone  in need just yet she wanted to do more she she could he more useful but she was stooed by the one and only Uchiha Sasuke.
Sasuke Pov:
After the battle that senju had given me scrict advice to take it easy as I was still recovering and had  needed rest.Sometimes though  she should listen to her own advice.She often puts others before herself and back at the village. if someone regardless of how absurd it was asked for help she would help without hesitation.She lets others  take advantage  of her often but once someone  else is hurt besides herself she immediately  defends them.And a perfect example if her selflessness was right now.All the mission she had been healing about every single person in need without break resulting her to end up being exhaustion  and not anke to fight well.Well I sure do not care I just dont want her dragging me down.
I made my way to  where she bad been for the past few hours healing the people  of the land of waves.Onpy to see that  idiot  senju seeming to be on the verge of passing out from exhaustion."You stupid Senju.."I mumble  before placing  her onto my back."But they need me.."She numbers before falling asleep "Well you need to learn  when to rest"I said quietly  to myself before heading back to Tuzunas house.
Kakashi POV:
I knew Senju hime would end up  being as many people  as she could  before she took care of her self this resulted her in having a high fever.We ended up having to stay a few more days the  intendee due to  that.
I should probably  get her to start thinking more about herself or else she could get herself killed
Noone pov
Emiko layed upon her futon her breathes short and ragged and her cheeks dusted a crimson as she sleeps.Kakashi placed his hand upon his students forehead seeing that her fever had not gotten any better..He sighed heavily  before he grabs a cloth and dips it into pail of water and made it damp and places it upon The senjus forehead.
Just hoping for Emiko to get well soon.

A few days later on the way back to the leaf..
Naruto POV:
"Hey Naruto"
I hear Emiko call 0ut making me look towards her.
"Hi Emiko Chan what's up?"
I asked.

"I  got ya something"
She says .

Ohhhh~!I wonder what it is!"Gimme!"I exclaimed  now really excited.And she opened a scroll And out came a whole bunch of..RAMAN!Oh boy she knows exactly  what I like .

"Thank you Emiko Chan!"

I say tackling  her into a hug.

"Your welcome"
She replied.


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