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"Well then,I'll leave Sasuke to you now"
Jiraya says to guy while Emiko and Naruto stare up at him .
"Jiraya Sama.." Guy said to which Jiraya replied with a-"hm?"
"Be sure to find Mistress Tsunade and bring her back to..." Guy said making Naruto Speak up.
"You bet we'll find her and bring her back right away!"
"Ya I will bring aunt back to the leaf with us rather she likes it or not!"
Emiko said as she pumps her fist high into the air with determination while Mochi barks as if in agreement.
"Naruto,Senju Hime I like Kids with guts like you!I'll thus to you guys!" Guy said as he then goes to pull something out his vest . "It's what makes Rock lee so Strong" Guy said speaking Narutos and Emikos intrest even more
"Huh?what what!"
Naruto asked in excitement.
Emikos eyes fills with wonder as she leaned in closer to see what guy was talking about.
And.. the thing he wanted to give The two were..Two green spandex ...?
Jiraya definitely did not seem at all amused by the gift guy was giving to The young Senju and Uzumaki .
"Brat dont even think of putting something so Hideous on"
"They're breathe and Moisture -wicking,and perfectly for free movement, all in a Beautiful, Stylish package. You'll notice a difference immediately if you train with them on!They're going to grow on you! Before long ,you'll be wanting to wear them all the time like lee.Of course ,I have a thing for them ,too!"
Guy says which gets Naruto and Emiko all hyped up as you can literally see fire burning in their eyes.
"Woooow!" Naruto shouts out .
"Your such an idoit fir even thinking it would be a good idea to wearsuch a thing.."
'Awe..But-' Emkko talked to the voice in her mind but like always was cut off by them .
_ After a few minutes they say their byes as Guy went back to the leaf with an un conscious Sasuke.
"Do you think they'll look good on me?" Naruto asked while Emiko sulked on the ground.
"Dont even think about it.Get a load of that ..."
(Literally how she sulks-)
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