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Emiko soon finished the questions with the help of tobirama and filps over the paper.her gaze traveled to behind her to sasukes only to see him staring back at her.Immediately she had quickly Looked away.and looked down at the desk. "You know you cant avoid them forever" 'I know that..'
. _ Emiko stood infront of a forest with many others along with her teammates.She hoped everything will work out and nooke in her team wound get hurt.But she had this feeling many things will occur throughout the 2nd part of this exam within the forest of death It made her nervous
After the instructor of the 2nd exam gets people to hand out a paper to the participants if the chunin exams and basically what the paper basically sayin 'If you were to get injurys or even much as dying that would not be our problem' Emiko signed it after a moment of hesitation and hands it back.then team 7 gets a scroll. To put it simply team 7 needed to get a heaven scroll in order to be able to head to the tower and pass the 2nd part of the exam.
_ "Emiko good luck out there dont die on me ya know"Akari says as she walks up to her Senju friend. "You to "Emiko says before the gates open and with that team 7 begins the next part of the exam _ Upon making it within the forest of death.
Emiko tells the rest of her team to make sure to stick together. "I have a bad feeling something bad is bound to happen any moment now dont let your guard down for even a second."Emiko says . "I need to take a pee"Naruto saus walking towards a bush and going to do his business. "YOUR DISGUSTING NARUTO NOT IN FRONT OF TWO LADIES"Sakura Shouts bonking him on the head. With that naruto walks a bit futher In to the forest. _ Emiko was sitting upon a rock sharping her katana when Naruto comes back ...only with no cut on his cheek no more. Emiko norrowed her gaze "I wrote my entire-"before 'naruto' could even finish Emiko is infront of him Katana to his throat."Guys watch out She has gone crazy!"The blonde shouts. "Cut it out it's clear that your merely a fake"Emiko says digging her blade into the fake narutos throat making it bleed slightly. "Your sharp"The boy says and Sasuke then speaks up"We are not dumb if that's what you take us for.".Then with that The jutsu fades off the guy reavealing his true self. A masked boy he was his forehead protected shown that he was a shinobi from the land of rain." Now Hand over your scoll before things get messy."The masked shinobi says to which team 7 refused when he went to attackonly gets him to get tackled by Emiko to the ground katana at his throat. _
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