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Important: If you skipped the disclaimer chapter, I want a few brief triggers to still be known going forward. These include detailed sex and smut, themes of pregnancy and pregnancy loss, PTSD and trauma, and themes of abusive relationships. Otherwise, please enjoy!


Here we go. I'm going to find out about my pregnancy. Is it healthy? Am I at risk like before? How far am I? Gods, I just can't wait for this part to be over...

While Owen was performing his typical health exam for a pregnant woman, he didn't say much besides how he needed me to move. That part made me nervous, but I did ask him to wait to give me the details until Marx and Fuegoleon could be present. After all, I was sure they'd be uncomfortable being in the same room as I was being poked and prodded in my intimates.

Finally, he flipped down my dress. "All done!" he said with a cheerful smile on his face. "You did great," he assured, making me feel a lot better about the whole situation. His reaction was much different than the last time I was pregnant. Maybe I really don't have to worry about miscarrying again. Maybe this time... My baby is healthy and I won't feel so sickly. Maybe that means Julius isn't the father either...

I sat up and took a deep breath as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, fully knowing that once my brother and best friend were in the room, the details of my pregnancy would be revealed. And not only that, it would narrow down who the possible father was. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You'll be alright, Iris," he promised, giving me a look that really made me believe that.

I nodded. "Thanks Owen. For everything. Even in the beginning," I smiled, watching his expression wavered. I wondered if my miscarriage all that time ago was some sort of traumatizing for him too. I wondered how often he thought about it.

He cleared his throat. "Of course. After what happened, I'll always be here for you," he told, his gaze averting for a moment. "However, I do encourage you to find an actual midwife to help you through the birthing process," he told, startling me.

Wait... Birthing process? Does that mean he thinks I'll definitely be having this baby? The fact that he didn't suggest it before is... Depressing. I swallowed hard. "You don't deliver babies?"

He shook his head. "Unfortunately no. Although I'll be there for any other health concerns, I've never actually delivered a baby with my own hands."

Something about that made me laugh, causing the older man to get a flustered look on his face. The sound of my laughter must have been quite loud, for I felt the mana of the two men accompanying me in the living room and having quiet conversation flare up. Obviously they were startled, so I got up and opened the door. A head of blue and vermillion hair turned to look at me, then each other, followed by them scrambling to come into the bedroom.

Marx and I sat on the bed together, our hands holding the other's. Leon sat on the edge of the bed on my other side, his body turned toward me to show that I could hold on to his hand too. But I clung to my brother, seeing as he was just as nervous as I was. I was his only blood family left and given that he had the chance to have more blood family through me, I knew he would be overprotective from now on. That was especially due to my previous miscarriage.

Owen sat in a chair beside Marx and I with a soft smile. "Iris, I'm happy to say that your pregnancy looks beautiful," he told, making my heart beat fast. "Your baby is healthy, and so are you."

My eyes widened, and all the emotions that I've been keeping inside spilled out. Tears ran down my face and I sniffled, trying my best to keep it together. Leon handed me a tissue to wipe my eyes. "Gods, thank you," I said under my breath, gripping onto Marx's hand even tighter. Once I got a hold of myself again, I cleared my throat. "So... How far along am I then?"

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