Chapter 4 - Glare Games, Cassian's Specialty

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I walk home that evening because Lincoln's off somewhere doing who knows what either ways him dropping me off made it very clear that he wasn't really interested. It was barely a thirty minute walk but im ready to hit the bed by the time i reach the Whitlock's home. 'The Whitlocks home' as if its not going to be your mom's home too Faye. When I do reach home I see Lincoln who's getting into his truck with a suitcase in tow. "Have you decided to run away and let us be in peace?" I ask sarcastically.

"How could I ever let you live in peace sis?"

"Why do you call me that?"

"Sis? cause u are my sis."

"Ew. Im not your sis."

"you can be my something else, I mean it'll be a bit of a controversy but you're hot." he say's waggling his eyebrows.

"No thanks ill stick to sis."

"As much as i would love to continue this very interesting conversation im late"

"To?" Curiosity gets the best of me

"My moms, It's her birthday tmrw and I'm surprising her. "

"Have fun" huh the Cactus has a heart. 

"Either ways, dont miss me too much" He says getting into his car

"Fuck off" I say as he leaves.

I throw my bag, and don't even bother changing as i fall face flat onto the bed.

It's the noise of something breaking that jerks me awake. I'm cautious as I walk towards where the noise came from. What if its a theif? Or worse a murderer. Stop being dramatic Faye. The sight that greets me is not what i expected. Mila is in my living room holding an? Umbrella? cane? Shes holding a stick as Luna is on the table growling at her. There are feathers all strewn all over. "What the fuck?" I say that out loud as both Mila and Luna look up to see me on the stairs. "Faye Hi." hi? Hi? that's what she's saying after i walk into whatever this was?

"What the fuck?" 

"You're cat is a wild animal"


"It tried killing me"

"Mila. Its a cat."

"A wild one. Look." I look at what seems to be a? 

"What is that?"

"A pillow or it was" 

"And its in that condition because?"

"I was defending myself with it"

"Why did it attack you in the first place?"

"Imighthavesteppedonitstail" she mumbles in a low voice

"Im sorry what?"

"I might have stepped on its tail"

"Oh. And why are you here?"

"I came to return this. I thought it was important to you." she says as she drops a thin gold chain with a clover pendant. I know that if i look behind the pendant my name is gonna be engraved in italics. 

"Where did you find it?"

"On the bench where you sat near the principals office." 

"Oh, well thanks" i say. I don't remember wearing it to the academy though. Or did I? Eh im sure I did. 

"Yeah, UH sorry for dropping by unannouced"

"Its okay."

"I mean i've not really had many friends so uh yeah um.."

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