Chapter 5 - The Fine Art of Confusion

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It's Thursday afternoon when I'm walking to AP English that I'm finally sick of the bullshit being thrown at me every day. The bitch called Becca thinks she can get away with calling me a whore when she's fucked half the football team? yeah no. "Whore" she coughs as i pass by her and honestly, it's getting old at this point, I mean I'm bored of hearing it. Isn't she tired of saying it? 

"Are you giving us a self-introduction?" I say as I stop to turn and give her a sickly-sweet smile.

"What the fuck did you say?" she screams in a pitch that sounds more like a witch's wail.

"Oh? Weren't you giving us a self-introduction? with the whore?"

Mila snorts next to me as a few others holler, turning her face red. She comes at me pulling my hair when I turn to leave. Oh, fuck this bitch, im going to murder you. I twist her hand to the side as I pull her hair, she's shorter than me the action making her look up at me. I grab the side of her face. "The next time you decide to pull shit like this do it with someone who can't fight. I'm from the other side of money sweetheart, ill rip you apart." I say. And as I'm about to leave she throws a coffee at my head. A fucking. cold. ice. coffee. "You fucked with the wrong one" Is all i say as i stomp toward her and punch her straight in the nose. I'm satisfied when i hear a crack and blood starts dripping in a thin rivulet down her nose onto her lips. "She broke my nose" Becca moans and moves to hit me.

I'm about to get another hit in as two arms lift me off her. I try to pull myself off but then a deep voice whispers "Easy there tiger". if I was annoyed before I'm furious now. How dare he put his bitches on me and then tell me calm down. I relax so he puts me down and the minute he does. I shove him off me . "Get the fuck off me" I snarl at him.   

"What is your problem" He mutters.

"My problem? What's yours? I haven't even done shit to you "

"Yeah you've just done it to those I care about."

"You care about? I don't even know what you're saying."

"You know exactly what."

"No I don't, all I know is you ignore me in the beginning and then declared some war on me and I'm suffering the brunt of it."

"Is that what the stunt you pulled just now was about?" he says moving close as i take a step back

"That wasn't a stunt"

"You wanted my attention? all you had to do is ask" He says taking another step. When i move back I hit the locker.

"I don't want your attention."

"Mhm, you whose do you want then." 

"No one's"

"liar. I mean I don't do seconds but i could give you a quickie" he says squeezing my ass

"Fuck you " Is all i say as i shove him off me and walk away.

I stomp off to English forgetting that i need to see the assholes face. Again. FML, god if you're out there, what have i done to deserve this, like it isn't fair - there's only so much shit i can deal with in day and tbh I've reached my limit and the day isn't even halfway through. I drop into my usual bench as Ryker walks in, sporting his usual grin, however he drops into the seat next to me.

"Sounds like you have claws fay fay."

"Who the fuck is fay fay"

"You obviously, but not the point. I'd love to see your claws in the bedroom"

"Yeah ill scratch your eyes out with them "

"Kinky i like it."

"I'll make sure u can never be kinky if u don't shut up"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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