Part Twenty-Five

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Two days later

There was a knock at the door of the Potter mansion, loud and heavy knocking on the wood.

James Potter went to open the door, and immediately, a bunch of Aurors flooded in.

"What the hell is this?" James yelled as Lily, Sirius, and Liam came rushing into the room.

The Auror surrounded the two men and placed them in cuffs, "James Potter and Sirius Black, you are under arrest for attempted force mating and assault of a Submissive," An Auror said as the two were being placed in cuffs.

"What?" Sirius asked, "We did no such thing!" He yelled fighting the Auror who was trying to cuff him.

"Do you know who I am?" James asked, thrashing around, "I am the father of the boy who lived; you can't do this." He yelled, kicking the Auror who was holding him.

"Calm down," One of the Aurors yelled, but the two didn't listen and kept moving like worms, so they were stunned.

"Don't worry James," Lilly said, coming forward, "Dumbledore will fix this," he said.

And an Auror just looked at her and huffed before they pulled the two out of the house.

At the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts

The floo flared, and five Aurors stepped out, the older man behind the desk looked up with a sickeningly sweet twinkle in his eyes.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you are under arrest for knowing of and failing to report the harm inflicted on a submissive student under your care at Hogwarts," one of them said and Albus frowned.

"My boy, no student has been harmed under my care," He said standing. He blinked on the spot and the Aurors rushed forward and cuffed him.

"The charges of trying to escape an arrest will also be added to your charges," A tall Auror said, and they forcefully pulled the older man out of the office and to the holding cells at the ministry.

At Riddle manor

"It is fine," Lucius said, coming into the office where the three mates sat.

"What's done, father?" Draco asked, raising a brow.

"The Aurors arrested and brought James, Sirius, and Albus in about an hour ago. They are being held in the cells in the ministry, until the trial. You should get a letter sometime today or tomorrow with a trial date," Lucius said and Tobias and Draco smiled widely.

"Finally," Tobias said, "I can't wait to knock them down. I got so bloody tired of hearing them brag about their previous boy who lived so many times I would have killed myself," He said and Draco nodded in agreement.

"I know this is a joyous moment," Lucius cut in, making them both look at him. "But it seems someone requires your attention," he said as he exited the room.

The Alpha and Dom/sub looked at each other before looking at their submissive. Seeing that Tom was in the middle of a breakdown, they rushed to him.

"Hey, hey, hey," Tobias said softly, pulling Tom up and off his chair, "What's wrong, love?" He asked, sitting in the chair with Tom on his lap.

"I-I just, what if it doesn't work?" Tom asked, "I'd be seen as even worse than before for attacking them, and he'd still be out there manipulating people," Tom said, and Draco sat on the desk and pulled the chair towards him.

"It will work; just tell the truth," Draco said, and Tobias nodded. "We have nothing to hide; we will defeat them," he said.

"Exactly, and I will come forward, telling them exactly what they put me through before Remus saved me and showing them the memories, too," Tobias said, wrapping his waist and pulling him down into his lap, making Tom blush.

Draco looked skeptically at Tobias. "Are you really hard right now?" he asked in a monotone voice, and Tobias simply shrugged his shoulders. Draco shook his head.

"I can take care of that for you if you want," Tom said and Tobias groaned.

"You don't have to," Tobias said, even though his hand ran down Tom's thigh.

"I-I don't mind," Tom said, as he grinds on Tobias's lap.

"Stand up," Tobias ordered and Tom obeyed immediately. Tobias stood and reached around, opening Tom's pants and letting them drop to the floor. "Suck Draco," he said and Tom bent over and unbuckled Draco's pants.

Tom started to suck Draco, and Tobias spat in his hand and rubbed it on his cock before slowly pushing slowly into Tom. Which moaned loudly around Draco.

"Hold him steady," He told Draco who dressed his hand on Tom's should, and Tobias started to fuck him.

"Fuck, Tom," Draco moaned, leaning forward and reaching under Tom, and started to jerk him off.

Tobias felt him tighten around him and knew Tom was coming, driving him over the edge and making him release into the older man, as Draco groaned at his release.

Tobias pulled out, sat down on the chair, and pulled up his pants, watching Tom pull up his pants before pulling him on his lap. Suddenly, there was a screech behind them, and they all jumped up, wands out, only to see an owl sitting on the window with a letter in its beak.

"How long has it been there?" Tobias asked as they lowered their wands. He walked over and took the letter, and the owl flew off.

Tobias opened the letter and read it. "It's a summons for the court hearing. If we don't turn up, then the three will be set free," Tobias said.

"When is the date?" Tom asked.

"Two weeks,"


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Word count: 899

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 4:30 pm

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