For generations to come

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I can't believe a whole school year has come and gone and now it's the beginning of another school year once again. How do I know I'll tell you. The traditional beginning of the school year field trip to the Legacy Orchard. I didn't get to go since I'm a year behind them.

But Raven told me all about it and now I'm telling you. Daring and the boys had raced up there Daring thought he won claiming he was the fastest but not against Cerise. Milton Grim takes out a key he turns to the students and tells them he knew he didn't have to tell them to be on their best behavior.

Before they entered the Legacy Orchard. Apple of course was so hexcited while the other students cheered and Raven unenthusiastically cheered as well. He tells them that they would be able to read from untold stories of those that came before us.

The books come down at them from vines Apples tells them that she had heard about these because of course she has. Turned out each tree had yearbooks from a different class. So as Raven went up to one now she was hexcited to read through them.

She even declared they were kind of cool. She told me how they spent the morning reading the high school adventures of those that came before them. There were tales of future kings and queens the heroes and villains that first started at Ever After High.

Just like them but of course no one got to choose their own happily ever after. No one probably thought to even do that until Raven. But then again Red and the big bad wolf got together and rewrote their own happily ever after I wonder if anyone of their friends and family ever knew or found out.

Giles even scolded some of the boys because they were using the yearbooks as bookballs. The 3 Billy goats gruff even tossed a paper airplane at him. Turned out thanks to me being able to hear the narrators that even the Wonderland kids were enchanted by previous entries from bygone eras.

Bunny had hoped up to a tree seeing her Wonderland friends hanging upside down to read as she poured Maddie a cup of tea. Cedar recorded it all with her MirrorPad but it all seemed cut too short and so soon when Milton clapped his hands making the books return to where they came from.

Everyone mummering and Kitty exclaiming in surprise when a book was taken from her. As he got everyone's attention. Giles had hoped they had a story filled field trip. Everyone murmured in excitement by what they had said. Maddie felt it had been so much fun.

They had then been told that at the end of this year their class would take a seed and plant a e-corn into the orchard and it will grow into the newest story tree and it would represent this years classes stories and adventures. Everyone cheered.

He then asked for a volunteer to be the editor for this classes very special yearbook. Apple was overjoyed squeezing Raven's hand making them raise their hands as she volunteered the both of them. As everyone cheered and clapped for them.

Maybe I would do the same. I don't want to follow in our mother's footsteps just like my sister doesn't as well and I'll write my own story like her but this I didn't mind following in the footsteps of at least my sister's. So Apple and Raven would be recording the best and worst of times.

They would be on a path to capture these things and make great stories out of them and plenty of adventures. So they could collect the stories of their year to share with future generations to come just like me and whoever came after me when I do the same someday as well.  

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