2. MOVING ON....

47 2 1

is it that easy?

5 years later.....

Chicago, Illinois, supreme main Court_

Third person pov

"last hearing of attempt murder on Ms.carol waltors (18 years old)
culprit - Mr. john parker boyfriend of carol waltors
eye witness Mr. Afzue waltors father of carol waltors ,
case leading by Mr.Andrew lame
(senior criminal lawyer) and
Ms.Sakshi Deora
(best senior criminal lawyer).

"your honor I would like to ask few questions to Mr. waltors " asks sakshi

"proceed " says the judge

"so Mr.waltors can you please repeat the explanation which you gave to cops" asks sakshi

"yes" says Mr.waltors giving a pause he starts talking again

"I was out of the town for 3 days on some personal work , when i was returning back I thought I would surprise my daughter so I didn't tell her I was coming home. when i reached home I saw her lying dead on floor with lot of blood and saw parker running away from window. Immediately I called 911 and you know what happened next" said waltors

"what time did you reach your home" sakshi questioned

"around 10:10am" replied waltors

"when did you called the cops?" she questioned again

"immediately at 10:15 am" replied waltors

"so you have reached home at 10:10am and saw your daughter lying on the floor with a knife stabbed from her back and saw my client parker running away from window" sakshi said with raised eyebrows

"yes that's what I said and that's what happened , he killed my daughter" said waltors with angry face.

"your honor I would like to ask few questions to my client parker" sakshi asks.

"proceed" judge says

turning towards parker "Mr. john parker can you give the same explanation which you gave to cops" says sakshi

parker nods " I'm neighbor of carol and carol is also my girlfriend. I was staying with her in her house because her father was out of station.9:30am carol woke me up and said she'll prepare break fast. I was in bedroom scrolling through my phone when I heard aloud sream from kitchen I ran and saw her father stabbing her with- with a knife. when he noticed me I got scared and jumped from window and ran towards my home and locked myself " parker started crying by saying this

"when did you saw the murder" asked sakshi

"around 9:45 in the morning " said parker

"no he is lieing I reached home after 10 o'clock. this bastard killed my daughter he is the criminal" waltors shouted with anger in his face

" shut your mouth Mr. waltors. according to law 504 I can file a case on you for abusing and intentionally insulting my client with your words .so better you shut your mouth while someone is speaking" said sakshi with a fire in her eyes giving a demon vibe

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