(2024) [KHR] Amnesia!Tsuna x Fiancée!Reader SMUT

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(A/n: this is my first story after more than 5 years^^ I was rewatching some old anime decided to go back to writing!

This story is mostly in third person pov btw, and mostly describing Tsuna's feelings instead of the reader, since I don't wanna put a limit to what the reader feels when reading this. Anyways! hope you guys enjoy!)

Story starts here

In Italia

The double doors with the Vongola insignia embossed into the wood opens to a grand office. To the right of you, you see a man in a pin-striped suit staring out the window with a calm and serene expression.

Chestnut colored eyes turn to the sound of the door opening and Tsuna smiles gently.

Tsuna turned around and saw... a young woman? "Buongiorno. How may I assist you?"

"I'm (f/n), remember? From Namimori."

"Hm." He furrowed his brows and looked at the girl with concentration. It wasn't a common sight to see a woman entering his office with no appointment at all. Was there a purpose to this visit? And how did she get past Gokudera?

"You don't look quite familiar, I'm afraid." Tsuna said.

" I have a letter from mama for you,"

"Mama? Who's that? And what's this letter about?"

"I don't know, I never opened it. You should read it yourself,"

Tsuna frowned at the woman and carefully accepted the letter she'd just provided him with. He took the letter between his hands and examined it closely before opening it. He wasn't sure what he was expecting or what he was hoping for but the way it was just given to him filled him with a sense of dread.

He began to open the envelope.

Tsuna opened the envelope and immediately, his sense of dread was replaced with an indescribable mixture of sadness and nostalgia. He was not expecting a letter of this kind from his own mother. He began to read, his heart beginning to race as he did so. Why was a letter like this provided to him, and why had she told this woman to give it to him...?

As Tsuna read on, he was left speechless by the things that his own mother was claiming. Being forced to leave him for his own good? Erasing his memories? Having an engagement arranged from birth... all to make him a strong and capable mafia boss.

His mother had abandoned him for his 'future and sake' only to demand his return. Only for what? A marriage that had been pre-approved by her and for her own desires...

His words caught in his throat as realization and reality sunk in his mind. His mother hadn't left him because she hated him. On the contrary it was the complete opposite. To ensure her son could be the strongest and most powerful mafia boss of all time. For his own sake.

And yet in doing so, she'd erased his memory. Left him without a family. It was a conflicting array of emotions that flooded his mind. Relief, and confusion.

"You... you're my fiancée?"

"You don't remember me?"

Tsuna phones the Ninth for confirmation, and Ninth confirms and admits everything.

"I..." He whispered, looking at her closely and noticing how similar they actually looked. Same (f/c) hair. Same (f/c) eyes. The same petite frame. Was she his fiancée? Was she the one person his mother had set up for him from birth...

"What's your name... again? I think... maybe... I remember your name." He was grasping at straws here since he had no recollection of the past but... the more this girl spoke, the more his mind began to clear and fill with images of her.

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