(2019) [KHR] Jealous!Tsuna x Popular!Reader (unfinished)

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On a normal school day...

Tsuna pov
Man.. (y/n)-chan is so cute... How I wish she was my girlfriend..

That's impossible though. I'm No-good Tsuna after all. And she's the most popular girl ever, not just in class, but the whole school. Her silky (f/c) hair, unbelievably sexy figure and those eyes, friendly and kind to everyone, who wouldn't want to be friends with her?

Lately, I spend so much time just daydreaming about her. After that time she helped me up when I fell in P.E. class, I just can't seem to get her out of my mind.

Sometimes she smiles at me, and she looks so angelic too. I hope that she knows who I am, though I wish that it wouldn't be because of me falling in front of her..

Gokudera pov
"So about the matter in Italy- Tenth? Tenth??"

For god's sake, Tenth isn't listening again. He looks like he's daydreaming about (y/n) again. That's the 23rd time this week!

"Tenth," I wave my hand in front of Tsuna's face. "Why don't you confess to (y/n)? To be honest with you, your crush over her has really been delaying the workload we have."

"Eh?! How did you know about my crush on her?" He look genuinely surprised.

"Everyone knows, Tenth," I sigh. "The way you look at her is so obvious, and everyone's waiting for you to confess, just so you know."

Tsuna pov
I-It's that obvious?? I can't believe this. Hopefully (y/n)-chan didn't notice.. Ah! Here she comes! Act natural...

Your pov
It's another a regular day at school, I spend time with my friends, study and so on. Nothing special. But if there was something special I would say that lately, I think I've developed a crush on someone.

Academically and physically, he's weak at both. He's cute and all, but that's it. But somehow, my heart keeps on falling for him. Why?

I receive confession letters almost daily, but I've never had one from him. Maybe he's not interested..

I was just chatting with my friends as we walk down the corridor. Suddenly, I saw him. My crush.

Sawada Tsunayoshi. The no-good boy of my class.

Act natural.. act natural! I say to myself. But I really can't control myself. He's looking at me now! My face flushed. I quickly looked away.

"(Y/n)-chan, why don't you confess?" (Friend 1) said.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Sawada, right? You've been too obvious, (y/n)-chan. We all know that you're totally head over heels for him." (Friend 2) grinned devilishly.

"I can't believe you guys knew all along.." I'm surprised. Hopefully, Tsuna doesn't notice anything though.

Just then, Yamamoto walked over to say hi. I'm saved. I thought to myself. Then we had a small chat. Talking to Yamamoto always made me feel better, he feels just like an older brother. Plus, he has good jokes too, I thought as I laugh at one of his puns.

Tsuna pov
Here she comes!! I have to impress her! Wait- she's looking at Yamamoto-kun. Her face is red and she's laughing so happily with him. I guess I didn't have a chance in the first place..

"That baseball freak!" Cursed Gokudera. "I'll have him get a piece of my mind for trying to steal the Tenth's woman!"

"C-calm down, Gokudera-kun! He isn't stealing her from me, plus she wasn't mine in the first place..." I sulked. However, as I looked beside me, I realized that Gokudera was already missing from his spot.

I looked in front of me. Oh no. He's heading straight for (y/n)-chan and Yamamoto. God knows what he's about to say. I keep my fingers crossed.

"Look, you baseball freak! Back away from (y/n) okay! The only one meant for her is Tenth! Do you know how often he drools over her! As a guardian I believe that it's unacceptable to try and steal the Tenth's woman!" Gokudera cursed at the top of his lungs.

Oh dear god. (Y/n)-chan is staring at me.

"Gokudera-kun! Please stop! I don't want to embarrass myself any further.." I exclaimed.

"But Tenth-" I didn't listen to his explanation as I walked away quickly.

Nor did I heard a voice calling after me.

Your pov
"Look, you baseball freak! Back away from (y/n) okay! The only one meant for her is Tenth! Do you know how often he drools over her! As a guardian I believe that it's unacceptable to try and steal the Tenth's woman!"

I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. Tsuna likes me? He daydreams over me?! I feel happiness exploding within me.

I stared at Tsuna. But his expression isn't good.

"Gokudera-kun! Please stop! I don't want to embarrass myself any further.." He exclaimed. Then he walked away from us so quickly.

I needed to know whether it's true or not. I called after him, but he didn't turn back. I ran after him too, but he disappeared in the crowd of students.

I have no choice but to leave a note at his locker.


   Would you meet me at the rooftop after school? I think we need to talk.


I left the note at his locker before rushing to my next class.

Tsuna pov
I just want to hide forever.. I must've looked like a fool.. how can I face (y/n)-chan now? I sulked as the last bell rang. I walked to my locker to put my books inside. As I opened my locker door, a note fell out?

I read it closely. Meet at the rooftop.. after school.. from (y/n)?!!!!

I panicked.

What does she want to talk about?


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