(2024) [KHR] Dom!Tsuna x Sub!Reader SMUT

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A/n: slight sm is included, if it makes you uncomfortable please check out my other stories instead!

Story starts here

"Hey honey! I'm back!"

The Decimo's eyes widen a bit and he perks up. "You're back?" He quickly moves over to the entrance and grabs his wife, (f/n), into a tight hug in lieu of an answer. He plants a soft kiss on her cheek and his mood is instantly uplifted.

"How was work today?" (F/n) asked.

"It was exhausting, dear... but seeing you makes everything so much more worth it." His grip on his wife is a little tight, not wanting to let go any time soon. The Decimo was tired but he could not have been more delighted to welcome his wife home after a long day. He finally releases her from the embrace.

"I missed you." Tsuna is smiling brightly. He takes (f/n)'s hand and leads her over to the couch, sitting down and inviting her to sit next to him. "I was so lonely without you." The Decimo had to admit that not having his wife around made his time alone much harder. There was nothing quite like having the woman he loved around him at all times.

Tsuna smiles fondly at his wife. She is his pride, joy and most treasured treasure. While he wears an authoritative presence in public to maintain his image as the decimo of the Vongola family, at home he can afford to relax a little and show the gentle caring side of himself. There are very few whom are privy to his soft, kind nature and his wife is one of them. He reaches over to take her hand and kisses the back of it.

"Tsu-kun, how about I prepare a drink for you?" (F/n) offered.

"That would be quite nice, my love." Tsuna was always fond of a nice drink after work. The stress of the day was weighing him down, despite his attempts to hide it. A nice drink and some quality time with his beloved wife would be perfect to unwind.

(F/n) goes to their kitchen, taking her shopping bags with her. She whips out a bottle of sake and pour out two glasses, one for each of them. She snickers as she adds a secret ingredient into both their glass before returning to her loving husband.

"Arigatou." Tsuna takes the glass of sake and takes a long sip. He sighs in relief as he feels the alcohol flow through his system and wash away any remaining stress from the day. "This is just what the doctor ordered, dear." He takes another sip and stares lovingly at his wife.

"Do you feel the effects yet?" (F/n) asked, unable to hide her grin.

"Hmmm? Ah, yes, I do feel the alcohol kicking in now. It's making me feel a bit light-headed." Tsuna's eyes were beginning to become a little blurred. "What about you? How do you feel, dear?"

"I feel just fine my dear."

Tsuna's vision was becoming even more foggy; the room seemed to be spinning around him. He begins to feel extremely dizzy and leans back in his seat, resting more of his body against the cushions. He raises his hand to his head, rubbing it ever so slightly.

"Did you... put something... in my drink?" Tsuna's words were stammering slightly, his dizziness and disorientation making his mouth move a little slowly. He was starting to feel a little uneasy and his eyebrows furrowed slightly. His hands clenched together tightly, his gaze directed towards his wife, searching for an explanation.

"You'll have to guess, darling." (F/n) says as she acts all mysterious.

"Is it... poison?" His voice was becoming raspy and he was clearly starting to feel uncomfortable. "Tell me it isn't... poison, at least."

"Nuh-uh, its this!" She exclaimed as she whips out a bottle of aphrodisiac. "The granny down the street recommended it to me!"

"You... put an aphrodisiac... into my drink?" Tsuna was not expecting this in the slightest. The alcohol and aphrodisiac were beginning to make him feel a little out of control of his body. Everything felt tingly and warm. A sense of overwhelming lust was also beginning to flood over him.

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