(Written 2014 Edited 2019) [Assassination Classroom] Karma x Reader

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I got this idea from a book that I read ^^ hope Karma wasn't too ooc

Edit: 5 years later I went onto this account to find this story lol. I read it and thought that I should edit and fix it because it was super weird before. So this would be the edited version. Before it was around 700 words and now it's like around 1700 lol.

edit:another 5 years later I come back to cringe at this story LOL. can't believe this one shot is already 10 years old. I won't be editing this one anymore, I'll leave the 2019 version as it is for memory purposes ^^

Reader pov

Day 1

I was transferred to Kunigagaoka Junior High. Why? I'm a huge troublemaker at my old school, and ended up having to transfer due to some 'accident' during my last prank. With that said,turns out I'm in the End Class cause my grades just aren't that good.

First impression of class? Not good. Why in the world is my class in the mountains? Just trying to get to class sucked the energy out of me. In addition to that, the whole building was made of wood, meaning no air conditioning. How would I survive this?

At last, I reached the building. Taking a deep breath, I entered the class. The atmosphere was tense. A giant yellow octopus thing stood in the middle of class. I froze. Anyways, after a long period of time listening to explanations and having to process all of it, I finally accepted that my year was going to be phenomenal.

"(L/n)-san, you can sit next to Karma-kun" the yellow octopus thing said. As far as I know, everyone here calls him(?) Korosensei. He then pointed to the empty seat next to a red head.

I went to my assigned seat. The red headed boy whose name is apparently Karma greeted me with a devilish grin. He introduced himself as Akabane Karma, aka the prankster of the class. Well, my impression of this class was getting better by the second.

I became good friends with Karma on the first day as we were both troublemakers. We had many similar topics to talk about so I didn't have much trouble becoming friends with him.

With that being said, we became friends quickly and he also introduced his friends to me. I went home with a good mood.

Day 2

I made a bento for Karma to surprise him and thank him for being my first friend here. I want to make a good impression here after all. As I was walking, I saw him walking to school as well. A creepy looking man and (random girl name) was hiding behind a tree nearby.

As soon as the man left, I jumped in front of him and gave him the bento. He seemed shocked when I appeared. However, he accepted my small present happily. It looked like a genuine smile, not a smirk. And for some reason, his cheeks were slightly red, maybe it was because of the heat.

I could feel his gaze during class. It made me slightly curious and also nervous. I know it's only been a day, but to be honest, I have a slight interest in that boy. I mean, we have so much in common, and he's quite good looking too. Who wouldn't?

Things continued like this throughout the day. I could feel him staring at me that it's making me feel so awkward and self conscious. But alas, the final bell rang, and I was finally free.

However, before I could escape, "Uh, (f/n), can you come with me for a sec? I wanna show you something," Karma said. Without a choice, I followed him to the back of the campus. The sky was beautifully tinted orange and the sun was red.

"Wow! It's so pretty," I exclaimed excitedly. All the awkwardness I felt before washed away.

"Yeah, and so are you." Karma said absentmindedly.

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