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Gerard's POV

"Gee, wake up! Shit Frank he's bleeding!" I heard my brother yell as the sound of screeching tires stopped.

"Fucking hell, Mikey I'm okay I just hit my head. I got cut by the glass." I groaned and Mikey sighed in relief.

I heard Frank hiss in pain and I looked to see his side of the car crushed by the tree, missing him by an inch, but he had a piece if glass in his cheek and his lip was bleeding.

We heard sirens and a few officers helped us out of the car and into an ambulence. Frank caught a glimpse of the car that had hit us that had bent itself around the tree and was nearly in half and screamed.

"That's Pete's car!" He cried and Mikey started to hyperventilate.

Mikey had a bruise around his neck from the seatbelt and Frank and I had our own injuries but we all knew it would be a miracle if Pete made it out alive.

"Where's the man that was in that car?" I asked a young looking officer and he looked up sadly.

"We are still working on getting him out but he's barely breathing." He frowned and a darker man came over and overheard.

"Reid, you shouldn't have told them that." He frowned at the younger officer and 'Reid' shook his head.

"They know him Derek, I wasn't going to lie to them." The younger agent said and 'Derek' sighed and nodded.

Frank started to yell Pete's name, having to be held back and I looked to see Pete being carried out in a stretcher, unconcious and covered in blood.

Mikey was on the phone to Joe, Patrick and Andy to tell them what had happened because Frank was in no state to talk to them.

Pete was driven away to the nearest hospital and once we were cleared to be okay the two officers drove us to the hospital to see Pete.

When we got there Patrick, Joe and Andy were already there and Patrick was a mess.

He was crying hysterically and having trouble breathing as they talked to the doctor.

Andy was crying too and Joe had tear stained cheeks as he tried to comfort Andy and Patrick.

"Frank! They aren't letting us see him! He's in surgery because he has broken ribs, a broken arm, a sprained ankle and they think one of his ribs could have punctured a lung and he might not make it. If they don't let us see him I can't say goodbye and I can't tell him that I take him back and I love him." Patrick sobbed and Frank hugged him.

"Pete's not going to give up, so don't you dare give up on him. He loves you and he wouldn't leave without saying anything to you. He's going to make it Patrick." Frank comforted the fragile boy and I told Mikey I was leaving to call mom and that I needed his phone because mine was flat.

I texted Ray and told him what happened but told him Mikey was fine so he wouldn't worry and called mom.

"Mikey? Sweety where are you guys?" Mom asked and I realised she was probably at my house.

"Its Gerard, we got into a car crash. Don't panic, we are okay. But our friend Pete is in surgery right now and theres a chance he wont make it so we are going to have to cancel the dinner." I spoke calmly and mom started to freak out.

"Gerard Arthur Way! How am I supposed to stay calm? Who was driving? Were they drunk? Is your brother okay? Are you okay?" Mum rambled and I sighed.

"Frank was driving mom, the friend I went to stay with. He's my boyfriend now. He wasn't drunk, Pete was in the car that hit us and it wasn't our fault but Pete is our friend and theres a chance he might not make it off the operating table so we aren't mad. Mikey's okay, he has a bruise on his neck from the seatbelt, I hit my head so I have a small cut on my head and slight concussion but I'm alright. Frank has a few cuts on his face and he has a bit of whiplash but he's fine and we should be home tonight sometime but Frank is always there for me and I need to be there for him because one of his best friends in in surgery okay mom? I'll call you later." I explained and I heard mom sigh.

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