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Yua! Wake up, Yua,- she said shaking the girl on the bed who was having a nightmare.

Help..! Yua screamed the word as she woke up and her breathe became faster than normal with sweat on her face looking terrified_ her pink hair was scattered from the shacking of her head on the bed.

Another nightmare?' Asked the girl who was once shaking Yua to wake up and now tears ran down Yua's eyes.

Who is she?! She exclaimed. I keep on seeing her in my dreams fighting and whenever she gets hurt I always feel pain like she's related to me, I don't understand Katsumi.

The girl called Katsumi hugged Yua to cheer her up so she would stop crying. It's okay,. She said caressing Yua's hair. Maybe it's just because you have a soft mind, seeing someone hurt will only make you hurt. Katsumi comforted but Yua's disagreed to this.

No Katsumi, that's not it,' I've had dreams of people being killed but I never feel scared about it but when it's her I feel pains and hurt, and the worst I don't understand is I get blissful and happy when she hurts someone else. Yua explained shaking her head in confusion while Katsumi on the other just sat there hugging Yua to comfort her. She also didn't understand why all these dreams kept occuring and their meaning., could they be a message?. She thought to herself.

Yua had been having this dreams since two months ago which was when they'd moved to this town and it made Katsumi wonder if it may have something to do with the course of changed environment,. While she was still in dip thoughts she'd noticed Yua had slept off in her arms and she gently laid her head on the pillow.

Katsumi sat there staring at Yua's sleeping face as she slept so peacefully, indeed she was a cutie- her pink hair always tied in a ponytail, pink lips and pink eyes with pretty lashes.

Katsumi sat there staring at Yua's sleeping face as she slept so peacefully, indeed she was a cutie- her pink hair always tied in a ponytail, pink lips and pink eyes with pretty lashes

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Katsumi on the other hand had ' white straight long hair which she never tied up., She had quite matured features having,- red lips, purple eyes, pretty lashes and so to say short that an average height Yua was a little taller than her.

, She had quite matured features having,- red lips, purple eyes, pretty lashes and so to say short that an average height Yua was a little taller than her

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When it came to characters they were quite opposite but still had similarities.

Yua loved making new friends and enjoyed making fun of everything both good and bad, an expert at brightening moods without even realising, she always gave the open chance for people to come up to her although she was the sometimes shy one she terned to use her crazy part to shake it off. Excitement was her number one mode, no one could go sad or bored around Yua even though she'd seemed quiet some times, when she was around a person she felt comfortable with,- especially Katsumi, she becomes a talkative and teased a lot., On the other hand-

Katsumi was a very quiet girl who fancied "[observe and talk less]". She spoke only when needed or spoken to and wasn't the type to raise up a conversation first but when it had to be the case she and Yua were approached she had to do more of the talking knowing Yua got a little shy sometimes. There weren't boring moments around Katsumi as long as there were interesting things to do with her., She never got shy unless when Yua pulls her naughty teases.

Looking at the clock she finally laid beside Yua to get some sleep as it was going to be a big day for them tomorrow.

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