First Impression

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Aren't you getting ready?,if you want I can wait till you are done. Aiki said to the boy who was brushing his teeth.

I'll be there once I'm done, no thanks. Kai coldly responded and Aiki sighed to this turning to leave,' I shall leave' he said heading out leaving.

It was quite hard to watch over Kai,- yes quiet he was mostly cold and rude," people's thought and feelings were the least to him and so, his words were hurtfully straight.

* * * * *
Yua and Katsumi arrived school and were now heading in but now Yua felt different from how she was feeling minutes ago at home. She had a feeling of fear for some reason and doubts within.

Do you think we'll fit in well in this school?, She asked a little anxious and Katsumi noticing this almost frowned.
What happened to the girl so eager to come to school earlier? She asked.

Stop teasing, I only didn't want to whine up late and now I feel so awkwardly scared. Yua explained and Katsumi fell into some second's thoughts but next came a smile.
Don't worry, I'm sure we'll fit in well just like the other schools-, she assured and a smile formed on Yua's lips.

They got to class to find it empty, it was quite expected since they were earlier than the schools average time but there were some seats that had students bag's on it.

Katsumi was going to give Yua a look for this and Yua immediately pointed the bags to show she wasn't the only one who thought coming at this time was fine and Katsumi just ignored her.

They got empty seats at the back beside each other and a thought crossed Yua's mind. Do you think there'll be cute boys here to match you up with?, She whispered to Katsumi and she muttered the words ,- Here we go again. Making Yua let out a little laugh.

Finally four boy's walked in noticing the girls they halted in their steps almost immediately and there was a second silence. One of them, then headed to his seat un-bothered.

Katsumi now broke the awkward stares saying hi and the tallest amongst them who had glasses on replied saying hi with a nod heading to his seat, he would've brought the normal questions of name's but decided to leave that for the teachers since he already new they were having new students in their class it was enough for him.

We have new girls in this class? One of the boy's who had actually been the one staring asked the blonde hair boy beside him while heading to the girls and he was dragged from his bag by the blonde boy with the words "Shut up" while he drew him to his seat.

On the other hand Yua feeling awkward by the moment looked at Katsumi with an awkward smile.

The stares didn't end there and continued when all students finally arrived in class,. All Yua was just thankful about was that the seats they took weren't anyone's and she got to remain beside Katsumi. She was so shy she only wondered what would have become of her if Katsumi wasn't beside her right now., She noticed a girl was about approaching her but got interrupted by a teacher who just came in.

Everyone to your seats, be quiet and let's begin,. The man said looking like someone who didn't care if they'd listened or not and he turned to the board and started writing.

This was awkward to the girls but the students already got used to this teacher, his problem was he was lazy and didn't careless to anything but what he could do. He didn't even introduce the girls to the class, or he didn't careless to notice they were even in the class, this made Katsumi and Yua unconsciously looked at themselves with Yua looking stunned while Katsumi had no reaction on her face,. Without a word they took their pens and went along.

While class was going on a boy interrupted coming into the class and everyone's attention diverted to him.

Kai Issey, being late on the resumption first day isn't appropriate, do hope for a better impression by tomorrow. The teacher Mr Tashi cautioned.

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