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Oh my goodness, I'm so tired I feel like an empty bottle of milk, I'm so drained. Yua said falling on the bed with hands wide open as if hugging the bed.

Me too. Katsumi muttered falling the same way Yua did on the bed. I can't remember when last I got so stressed out like this, if this is how the rest of my days would be in Bitana, I'm certain to have body pains everyday. Hearing this from Katsumi, Yua immediately sat up.

What!? you better get used to it cause I can't be giving you massages always or you'll get used to my massage's and it would be bad if you then prefer mine over your prince charming,- it would only make him hurt, wouldn't you want your moments romantic. Katsumi's eyes twitched at hearing this, she blinked at unbelief of hearing this wondering where this just came from, sitting up she'd grabbed a pillow and hit Yua on the head with it to bring her to her senses.

You, always say nonsense, if you can't say reasonable things keep it to yourself and stay quiet., Yua giggled at this saying- " when it's you I can't stay quiet, even if I want to it's really hard.

Then you learn from me. This words from Katsumi made Yua started making funny vomiting faces. That's the last thing to happen, I'm shy sometimes-I know, but do I look like someone who could survive dead silence?, that's spooky and too boring. She explained.

Why does it feel like you're indirectly calling me boring?"Katsumi now said and Yua squeaked. No that's not what I meant I promise, being quiet isn't boring, it's the perfect feature for you, it enlightens you so your prince charming can notice you but just look at me, imagine a parrot who can't talk back at words it hears., Not that I'm a parrot but take it for an example, it would be rendered useless.

Oh yes, I do understand that you have been a parrot all this time. Katsumi said in her own mischief.

Yes you are rig....wait what? Yua screamed realising what Katsumi had say and Katsumi laughed to this. Katsumi..! Yua whined.

The door bell rang taking their attention and Katsumi bluntly asked who it could be? and Yua shock her head for an [ I don't know] sign.

They both got down stairs to check who it was with Yua behind Katsumi, getting to the door Katsumi opened the door without hesitation as she'd already seen who it was through the door hole.

Mr Hiroto. She said to the man in front of her. He was in his 40's. Tall and muscular, bald and had grey hair already visible in his beards,' his figure was fit and a combatant thanks to the training back at Zaiki where he'd fought along side the Queen and till now he was honouring the Queen and doing what he was assigned to do. This man even in this world was standing for justice as he worked with some spy agency; he was top ranked and was really sneaky in his steps that no mission brought to him came unsuccessful.

 This man even in this world was standing for justice as he worked with some spy agency; he was top ranked and was really sneaky in his steps that no mission brought to him came unsuccessful

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Papa! Yua said going to hug the man. I see you girls are just arriving home from school?!. He questioned.

Yes Papa,. I mean no, we were so stressed out we had no strength within us to even change, but school was fun. Yua replied and he gave a satisfying smile.

I see., may I come in? He asked. Though he knew he was always welcome he needed to respect their privacy as females.

Oh yes Papa, please do. Yua said and they both got inside to sit leaving Katsumi behind to close the door. What brings you here Mr Hiroto? She asked making him form a frown on his face. Katsumi I always tell you to drop all formalities and just call me Papa or Uncle like Yua does, we are family for the sake of Earth. He said and the two subconsciously giggled hearing his last words. How about the sake of Heaven Uncle? Yua asked teasingly making him realise his words before laughing.

Okay Uncle, what brings you hear today?, If I remember correctly you'd mentioned being on another mission which requires you leaving for some days or a week, have there been change of plans?. Katsumi asked going to sit beside him by his left as Yua was by his right. No no, there aren't change of plans,: I came to say bye and know if there are any thing's you may need because my phone won't be with me on this mission.

Um, not at all, we have more than enough to eat and the furnitures are in good shape. Katsumi stated and Yua nodded to response. Yeah and as for money we got more than enough too so you don't need to bother about us and go kick those bad boy's as... Yua came to a stop realising she was about to say a curse word and the look from Mr Hiroto and Katsumi were startling. Sorryyy!. She said looking cute and they let out little laughs before Mr Hiroto now drifted the topic.

Okay then one more thing, I need you girls to restrict your movements during my journey, you know I'll be having enemies that would try to get me by using something close to me and of course you girls are the only ones I treasure most so you have to be careful, don't open the door to strangers, always keep the doors locked at all times, check the door hole before opening, I've set the alarm so they'll go off if someone tries to break in or hacks it's password so even if you're not around the neighbors would be alert and yes - I've got you girls a driver, body guard and security guard. He noted out and Yua's lips were slightly open listen to him in loss. What do we need all that for? She asked not comfortable with the idea.

The driver will take you wherever you're going, here is his card. He said handing over the card to Katsumi.
The security guard at the door and body guard follows you everywhere outside this walls. He added.

But don't you think it's too much?, Yua asked uncomfortable.
  Yua is right Uncle, too much security of such would only attract your enemies to us because if they are around us they could get suspicious and want to know reasons for such security and if they do, they'll find out about our relation with you and only put us in danger. Katsumi explained and he gave a nod as he thought through her words.

You may be right but I will only leave out the body guard, I can't take much chances. He now spoke.

Oh! Papa tell the driver to always come as early as 4 to pick us up for school. Yua now spoke making Mr Hiroto and Katsumi blink at her words and Mr Hiroto laughed.

That would be you girls decision to make but don't stress yourselves our by cutting your sleeps in the name showing up to school early. He cautioned. I'll be off now please take care of yourselves, it's both your responsibilities. He said standing up and Yua scooped to the other side hugging Katsumi tight. -Don't worry I'll take good care of her.  Yua!. katsumi called out making a choking sound and Mr Hiroto was forced to chuckle. Bye!. He said.

Bye Uncle!, They both said with Yua finally letting go of Katsumi they'd gave him a hug before he left.

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