choke (pt1)

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HII, just wanted to say that its my first time actually doing a fanfic 😭 so please have mercy

ALSO ENGLISH ISNT MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO PLEASE EXCUSE ANY MISHAPS (i also wrote this as 4:00am, but just published it now) OKAY BYE



12:00am (3rd hour)

The group had split up into pairs beforehand to scout out the area for some more materials. Yes, they could just get it in the real world, but how would they explain all the medical supplies and hand guns? Plus even if they did tell somebody they would most likely end up in some sort of facility.

Now, Ashlyn is trapped in an alternate universe running for her life most nights. She just wishes she could make things go back to normal. She wishes she could just turn back time to not go on that stupid trip. God, how she dreams of the day to live like a normal teenager. But no. that got stripped away from her grasp ages ago, she's just tired. Tired of it all.

The burning in her legs started to grow more rapidly while her breathing was sharp from the cold winter breeze freezing her lungs. To her left she saw the familiar blonde absolutely booking it from the horde of rabid brutes behind them.

Aiden snapped his head around as a blood curdling shriek pierced his heart like an abundance of needles was thrown at him during open heart surgery. There lies Ashlyn being thrown onto the ground by her neck while being approached by the rest of the batch of creatures. Before he could even react, a gunshot grazed his cheek travelling towards the dark figure. Gaping a hole through its frontal bone.

It all happened so fast, so fast that not even Aiden could process what the hell was going on. He just stood there, trying to process it while the others went to handle the rest of the situation. Ben went to go help Ashlyn - who was wobbly from being thrown- although the phantom had been shot, it still kept its grip tight around her nape. The others do their best to execute the rest of the batch of phantoms. He just stood there. Helplessly. The guilt creeped into his oesophagus, he could feel his heart in his throat. He felt it was on his behalf that Ashlyn got hurt, maybe if he paid attention more before putting himself first. He was dragged back into the harsh reality as Tyler dropped a hand on his shoulder before shaking him and walking off. Had he been standing there so long that they already killed the phantoms? He really needs to pay more attention.

12:00am (6th hour)

The group was back in the graveyard, Logan and Taylor were checking the light, Tyler and Ben patrolled the area (mostly Tyler rambling) and Aiden was instructed to keep an eye on Ashlyn- Ash woke about an hour ago, just as the group entered the graveyard but was told she should rest. So there he was, whistling to his music ( Yeah! :usher) bobbing his head to the rhythm and practising his slashing moves with his knife until he saw Ashlyn move into the corner of her bus seat; legs brought to her chest and arms wrapped around them. Aiden was hesitant, but went with his heart instead of his head. He grabbed the seat he was leaning on and hoisted himself up onto his feet, making his way over, he unplugged his earphones and wrapped the wire around his phone before placing it back into his pocket. After he too out his earplugs he could hear the faint sound of Ashlyn's breathing; it was fast paced yet short breaths,

"Hey ash are you ok-" before he could finish his sentence she lunged at him, tackling him to the ground, knocking the wind out of him.

Aiden choked as she wrapped her fingers around his neck, tightening them the more he struggled. He tried to claw at her arms and neck, begging for her to release him. But without his weapon and the fact his head was spinning from the impact of his head bouncing off the bus ground with force while also being strangled as she sat on his stomach.

"Ashlyn- please- I ca-" he was soon interrupted by Ashlyn's rambling

"IT'S YOUR FAULT! I mean SERIOUSLY?! Could you not take a HINT?! MAYBE IF YOU DID, ALL THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED! GOD, YOU'RE SO INSUFFERABLE! MAYBE WITH ONE LESS OF A BURDEN WE WOULD BE ABLE TO COPE!" the more she lectured the more her grip tightened and her voice grew louder, bringing the attention from the others.

Aiden tried to steal gasps of air while tears streamed down his face, making it feel as if lava was pooling in his eyes. His last recall from that moment was seeing dark, inhuman black eyes threatening him before his body went limp.

12:00(6 ½ hour)

Ashlyn's familiar Lincoln green eyes were soon brought back the moment she felt the hands around her wrists fall to the side while also the sound of the bus shaking and a gasp echoed from the front of the bus. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she saw Aidens lifeless body in her hands while sitting on top of him, did she really just...?

Before she could even comprehend what was happening she was thrown to the side by Ben who looked absolutely furious and concerned at the same time, the rest rushed to his side for assistance. The realisation hit Ashlyn like a ton of bricks, she had just attempted to murder her best friend. The hot, steaming tears gushed out as if a volcano had just erupted.

"Please.... I didn't mean t-" she reached to Logan, who she assumed to be less aggressive towards her, yet she was met with Logan gripping onto her wrist with strength, stopping her from touching him

"Don't even try it." he glared at her over his shoulder before jerking his hand away

She felt as if her whole life had slipped between her fingers, quite literally. She let out a sob before rushing out the bus door, running over to the other side of the graveyard before gripping onto the wall and letting out another sob. She would hear her friends in the bus trying their hardest to wake him, her situation wasn't as bad as his since everything happened quick enough for her to stay conscious, but for him, she had phantom strength. Well, at that moment. She didn't know what happened, she was in the passenger seat while being driven by some sort of Michael Myers. She felt ashamed, well it would be weird if she didn't. She just hoped this was a dream and that they hadn't actually shifted


quite a short one

leaving in on a cliff hanger!! (totally not because i was about to fall asleep!!)

ill be leaving pt2 after a couple one shots just to make it an even longer cliff hanger <3 (i need to think of what to make it about) FEEL FREE TO REQUEST


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