"FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT!" (Party walkers pt2)

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Help Idek if any of this is going to make sense 😭🙏
Barron was pretending to not know ashlyn in pt1 btw 🥺😘🔥😃🔊🗣️😍
Also I'm not American nor am I anywhere near the age to be in college so Idfk know what they do at parties ☹️
Also barrons friends and the girl bullies are just random people that I made up 😘
Anyway BYEBYE pookster bears
Warnings: underage drinking, sexual assault, misogyny , violence and mentioned self harm😃 (help tf)

The group had entered the house and split off into different parts, Aiden and Ashlyn outside next to the pool, Taylor and tyler playing beer pong while Ben and Logan was at the bbq. Aiden and Ashlyn was chatting while people where splashing water around and somebody was being held upside down, drinking out of a giant keg. Earlier on they had been drinking about 5 cups of "fruit punch", well Ashlyn did, Aiden has at least 10.

"I'll be right back, I'm about to burst!" Aiden announced, already walking through to porch doors,

"I told you to not have so many," Ash said while taking another sip of her drink, it had that addicting metallic taste. Kind of like licking a battery.

Not even a minute after she watched Aiden jog up the stairs towards the bathroom, Ashlyn turned around to be met with Barron slipping his arm down to her lower back, pulling her closer in,

"Cmon, you think I'm stupid? I know no girl like you would like a freak like him. You need somebody like me," he whispered into her ear, his breath spelt of ravioli and chicken feet

"Get the FUCK off me." This brought the attention of everybody around them. Ashlyn kicked him in the shin with so much force it made him fall on his ass,

"And so what if I do? He's better than some obese Stephen hawking," she looked down at him like some dirt on fresh new shoes, when he got back on his feet he looked livid,

"You're just like every other female, I bet you that you say that and go snog some other guy! Dressed like that you're actually asking for it? So don't blame me because you're dressed like a skank," people were watching them, Ashlyn heard his friends chuckle at his remark, this only set Ashlyn off even more.

"AYE TELL HER ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED IN HIGH SCHOOL!" Highschool..? Why would they mention it? What happened in highschool that involved them?

"ahh, how could I forget! Adrianna Lawson and Zara Johnson posted a picture of you getting changed for gym, awhhh did Ashlyn Banner want pity? You fucking attention attention seeker. It's sad how you thought cutting yourself would give you the attention guys DIDNT give you, you should do it again since you're wanting more attention wearing that" Ashlyn's heart sank, tears pricking at her tear ducts. How hadn't she never seen the picture? All through high school? What the fuck? She could feel the eyes on them and all he did was laugh in her face while there was muttering behind her.

Before she could even muster up the words to respond, a fist collided with Barron's smug face. There was gasps as Barron's head slapped to the ground. Ashlyn took a step back as Aiden was now currently manhandling Barron, raising his fist and bring it down frantically. The force was so much that the more Aiden's fist struck Barron's cheek, you would be able to hear the somewhat gruesome attack. The more he brought his fist up the more blood covered it, although sadly it wasn't just a one-sided  fight, Barron had ahold of his hair while also clawing it as his face. It was short lived yet successful, well not on Barrons behalf. He had multiple cracked teeth, a broken nose, black eye and his jaw looked lopsided, Aiden had scratch marks on his right cheek deep enough to bleed and was missing a few hairs -which were intwined with Barron's fingers. They caught the attention of quite literally everybody, even the people inside. The people outside was chanting "FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT!" Like some 7th graders, this resulted in getting the attention of Tyler,Taylor,ben and Logan. Tyler had the help of Ben of heaving Aiden off of Barron, which resulted in getting whacked in the face by his elbow.

Aiden was quite obviously drunk, the 'fruit punch'  they were drinking earlier was definitely laced with alcohol. Ashlyn just wondered by she wasn't drunk and he was, but that was at the back of her mind when she heard police sirens stop outside the party. People were jumping the fence and running out the back,

"AIDEN, LETS GO?" Tyler lectured dragging Aiden's right arm "CMON IM NOT BEING CUFFED BECAUSE OF YOUR DRUNK ASS" Aiden retracted his arm, still glaring at Barron — who was wiping the blood from his mouth after choking up the shards of teeth. Aiden was getting more frustrated the more Barron's face was in his line of sight, his breathing started to pick up more,

"Cmon aid, he's not worth the energy," Taylor rubbed his arm for reassurance which seemingly calmed him down quite a bit.

Aiden's head snapped towards the voice next to them

"POLICE!- THE POLICE ARE HERE!" This seemed to bring Aiden back to his senses, because he let out a light 'fuck' and started booking it out the open fence at the end of the yard, The group groaned but followed behind him not long after,

When they made it to the car he immediately knocked out, all the use of energy must of caught up to him. When Tyler drove over a bump, Aiden's head landed on Ashlyn's shoulder making her jolt in surprise; she had been lost in thought about the fight with Barron and what he said. The thing that really confused her was that the girls he mentioned had a sweet sense to their words, even tricking Ashlyn's hard shell.

12:39 sun 12 jun

The group decided to just stay over at Ashlyn's place since she was responsible enough for her parents to leave for a night for two.

"Dude get up you're crushing Ashlyn with your fat head," Ben remarked while trying to pull him up by his arm, which resulted in Aiden's left arm wrapping around hers,

"Hmm.. but her shoulder is so comfortable.." he quickly went back to light snoring

"I think I just threw up in my mouth because of how cringe that was" Tyler crossed his arms, Ash was so red you could probably see steam come from her cheeks.

"Anddd I give up" Ben retreated back out the car and just stood there, watching them both

"Right, you're not staying in my car. Get up you lump of meat" Tyler grabbed ahold of Aiden's ankles and dragged him out, lifting him to his feet putting one of Aiden's arms around his shoulders and placing one of his under Aiden's armpit.

'Whatthefuckwhatthefuck' this kept repeating in Ashlyn's mind the moment his head landed on her shoulder and till they arrived at her front door, she embarrassed herself more by dropping her keys

"Ha.. you're so funny lyn..." Aiden mumbled before being engulfed by fatigue once again

"This guy I swear" Tyler rolled his eyes since he was like this with Ash the MOMENT they met — Ben supported this statement.

Tyler plopped Aiden on the love seat while the others made their way to the kitchen, Logan suggested they should make food since nobody has ate anything in like 5 hours.

"Me and ash are going to be right back!" Taylor announced while dragging Ashlyn towards the downstairs bathroom

"Sooo what was all that about?" Taylor pried at Ashlyn


I'll make a pt3 today, maybe tomorrow or maybe another time idk

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