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I woke up back in mine room.
Marshall was still sleeping.
I went to the bathroom, took a shower and got myself ready. After I did that I went to call Sophie.

"Hi sis."
"How are you? Is everything alright?"
"Yes this was the best weekend ever. How are you? Are you having fun?"
"Yes, but listen Ana and I were gonna be late at home, maybe tomorrow night we'll be home."
"Okey, I'll tell Ana parents to go pick my stuff for school."
"No, I'll call them, but be good and listen to them ok? And no more fighting in school Sophie."
"Yes ma'am"
"Good, take care I love you."
"Love you too."

"How is she?" Marshall asked
"Oh my god. Can you stop scarring me like that."
"I'm sorry, I thought you heard me."
"No I didn't, but yeah she's good I told her that we might be tomorrow night home."
"Ok should I tell my bodyguards to bring her to school?"
"No! My sister is living a total normal life I don't want her involved in all this bodyguards and fake shit."
"Okey then." He went in the bathroom

How the hell did I even end up here?
I know was in Ana's room yesterday night, did I came back to our room?

"Hi Maria."
"Hi sweetheart, how are you?"
"I'm good everything is alright."
"I'm happy to hear that."
"Uh, listen Ana and I might be tomorrow night at home. Is it ok for you for her to stay until tomorrow night?"
"Yeah of course."
"Thank you so much Maria, she's just gonna tell you to go to our house to pick her stuff up for tomorrow."
"No problem sweetheart, you two have fun."
"Thank you, I owe you."
"No worries."

"You ready?" Marshall asked
"Yeah.." I opened the door but he grabbed my arm  and pulled me back to him
"I'm sorry for yesterday, I hope we can make this work. If you want to stay friends we can stay friends if you want more then I want more too. Just please talk to me and don't keep everything inside."

"Hey, you feel better?" Ana asked me
"Yeah, but how did I end up back to my room?"
"Dre and I talked to him yesterday night after you felt asleep."
"But I tol.."
"I'm sorry ok, I can't see you like this Scar. I didn't say to much. I just say the you guys need to talk about everything on a normale tone without fight and screaming. I love this man, and he loves you. You guys either make it work or you leave it for good."
"Thank you, and your absolutely right. He just told me that if I wanna be only friends with him that's ok and if I also want something more then just friends then he's also alright with that."
"That's good, now come on let's go have some fun."

We were now in the car, I'm so happy. This is the first time when I see Disneyland. This summer holiday I'll bring Sophie here. She needs to see all of this. It's so beautiful.
As I looked at Marshall he was all looking at me.
I made eye contact with him. But then Paul started to talk to him.
The question is, do I want to be only friends with him or having a serious relationship.
When I look at him, I know that our relationship will be very intense and stressful. But I know he's not always gonna be a angry man that fights over nothing. And on the other side, I know that if we're gonna be friends we're gonna be very close to each other.
So to be honest with you I have no idea what's best for both of us.

"You ok?" 50 asked
"Yeah, how are you?"
"I'm excited for this Disneyland."
"Have you ever been to Disneyland before?"
"Nah, that's why im excited."
"Well, I haven't seen Disneyland as well, it's my first time."
"Im sure we're gonna have a lot of fun." He smiled at me

I don't know what's between her and 50 but I don't fucking like it.
The way she smiles at him and all that, she doesn't even look at me the way she looks at him. Does she like him?
I know I'm a asshole sometimes and that sometimes my mouth talks without thinking. And maybe that's why she's so scared of me. But i will never hurt her I want her to be mine. And only mine. I don't want any man to look at her the way 50 just did.
He's my homie don't get me wrong but I know if there won't be anything between her and I, I know he will do anything to date her.
Hopefully that idea is out of his brain. Because I ain't gonna let her go. I don't care what she wants. I know that I want her, and I'm gonna fight for her, I don't care if I'm gonna make her hate me but I want her.

"Yo look at this." Proof said as he saw the big Mickey Mouse.
"He's so cute." Ana said
"Come on let's make a picture." I said
"I ain't going near that thing, look at him. He's looking at me like he's about to kill me." Bizarre said
"Man get your fat ass here, even if he'll kill you. With that belly you can resist anything." Swift said
"Imma fuck you up you bald ass bitch." Bizarre said
This two are like Tom and Jerry.

"Omg we need to go buy matching Minnie Mouse costumes."
Ana said
"I ain't gonna wear shit."
"Oh come on don't be such a grandma." She pulled my hand
"Yeah Scarlett don't be such a grandma." Swift said
"Shut up bald ass." I laughed at him
"What does everyone haves with my bald head?" Swift said
"Maybe because you ugly." Bizarre said
"Man shut up, your bald too."
"But I'm prettier then you bitch." Bizarre said and we all laughed

Marshall didn't talked with me at all. I don't know what's wrong with him.
But honestly I don't even wanna ask him, I have no energy to fight with him.
"Let's go see the castle." 50 said
"Yeah sure."
I've been thinking the entire time with 50 he's really nice.
He made me laugh like a little girl, he's so fucking funny.

"Why are you standing here instead to talk to her dawg?" Dre asked me
"Because all she can do is to spend time with 50. She doesn't even look at me man. Fuck this bitch."
"Ey man, don't talk like this. Just talk to her later."
"Fuck her, I ain't talking shit with bitches."
Dre looked at me like I'm crazy.
Yeah it's fucking true, she's a bitch. Instead to spend time with me, she's laughing and flirting with my homie. Fuck her, im so fucking mad right now.

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