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Elara's father Claudia Apa was your typical middle aged man. His tribal tattoo did set him apart from the crowd though. Considering how much he despised covering them. His long untamed curls draped over his shoulders. His face had sharp features and his green eyes showed nothing but strength. If one did not know any better you would think he was one of those people who would not die and will live on forever.

His tone always held authority when he spoke. However his sweet nature gave him an aura of fatherly love. Honestly Elara had hated him once for abandoning her, but hearing how her mother was the one who ran away and cut of contact with him not even telling him about her made the situation slightly better. Spending time with him and experiencing his love however erased all the hate she had. Now that her mother died she only has him left in her life. Her only blood relative left in the world well if you exclude the two half brothers she has. "Took you long enough, there's a package for you at the door." Claudia said while signalling at the door. Elara's eye twitched in annoyance instead of going to the door she threw herself onto the kitchen counter while grabbing an apple by the way. "Couldn't you just get it?" Claudia rolled his eyes in response while leaning on the counter showing an attitude equivalent to his daughters. "Do I look like your doorman Elara?" "If the shoe fits cinderella wear it with pride." Claudia hid a smile a clicked his tongue in response.

"Elara we will not have this fight. Answer the door, take your package don't make the delivery man stand there for nothing."Elara chucked," You seem to forget father, whether the delivery man stands there for ages or gets hit by lightning while waiting outside has absolutely nothing to do with me, while you as the owner of the house will get all the blame. " Claudia was about to argue when a soft knock sounded again. He sighed in defeat and smiled," At least your not a push over like your brothers, but! Next time listen to me I am the adult here after all." Elara raised her eyebrow in interest,

"you seem to forget that you yourself are only 17 years older than me, not even 2 decades." Claudia cringed at the reminder, "Shut up won't ya! Do you want the whole world to know that your a product of teenage pregnancy???"
"Just answer the door pops." Claudia went to the door mumbling complains about his daughter having zero respect for him. Elara smiled at that thinking of how her life would not be so bad thanks to having someone like him by her side. Especially when her half siblings are the sweetest people she has ever met. Although their mother is rude considering how she only allows them to see their father once in two months. Luckily for them though they are turning 18 soon so they can come live here.

Elara could already imagine living with her whole family here. She was so happy that she thought she might even reconsider dating Ivan. Elara took a bite out of her apples and opened her phone. The first thing she saw was her chat interface with Ivan since it was the last app she was on yesterday. However unlike the usual goodnight another message stared at her. Her whole body went cold and she hurriedly jumped off the kitchen counter dashing towards her father, "Dad!!!!!!!!". Claudia who had already opened the door halfway paused and looked at his crazed daughter. However this did not stop the "delivery man" from doing his job. A sardonic smirk appeared on the man's face as he pulled out a silencer gun shooting Claudia on his chest. Elara who was exposed to the scene of her father getting shot did not stop her sprint and instead flung the door open tackling the attacker onto the ground. The man was stunned and dropped his gun but before he could get his wits back, Elara had already started bashing his head in. Her fists were as heavy as hammers and the sound constant rhythmic fists punching something wet sounded throughout the quiet yard.

When Ivan arrived only 10 minutes later with an ambulance in tow he saw his love uninjured bashing in the head of an already dead man with a dead cold expression. His eyes quickly scanned the area and saw Elara's father behind  her laying in the pool of his own blood. Ivan turned to the paramedics behind him, "What are you waiting for?!? Can't you see the man in dying quickly take him to the hospital!!!"  The paramedic apologised before rushing to Elara's father. One of the two paramedics couldn't help but shiver at the scene of Elara. Her long curls were spewed all over her innocent looking face. Blood has spattered all over her. Her face had no expression as she coldly continued hammering the man whose face was at this point best described as a pile of blood and bones.

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