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Narrator's POV
It had been a few months since the incident with Dom, Dove was scared to go anywhere and had panick attacks when the smallest noises scared her she was as clingy as she could physically be with Damian,Rhea and finn Damian could only watch dove suffer and feel helpless he had tried everything therapy,counciling,cuddles,kisses or just holding dove and saying your safe with me nothing seemed to work Rhea tried to Encourage Dove to leave the house more but If dove stepped out she would have another panick attack finn tried the hair stroking method and gently stroked dove's back but nothing seemed to work dove would breakdown,cry or.hyperventalate they all felt helpless the watched as the once bubbly,cheery and sweet woman they once knew turn into an emotional wreck Once Rhea got dove to sleep in a bed and tucked her in she called the other boys to a meeting well excluding dom because he was an Asshole they had kicked him out of TJD and rold him not to come back at all
Rhea's POV
"What do we do now? cause everything we did to try comfort dove isn't working" Rhea said
Finn's POV
"I'm not sure I have brought up these concerns with her uncle Triple H he said he has also tried everything including reading her books from her childhood he has tried the whole therapy/counsling and he has tried the affectionate approach he has also tried nicknames from her childhood such as princess,sweetie,pumpkin,darling and sweethert but nothing has worked he has also said it's affecting her performance in the ring stephanie tried the same things Triple H but nothing worked" Finn said
Damian's POV
*He stared out of the window at the judgement day house he felt as helpless as the other's not being able to do anything but watch the woman he loved suffer*
Rhea's POV
"Poor damian is taking it as hard as us he hasn't spoken a word since we got home" Rhea said
Finn's POV
"I would be the same if it was the woman I loved in the same situation as damian and dove can't believe dom turned out to be an awful person" Finn said
Rhea's POV
"Yeah don't know what I saw in him honestly" Rhea said
Finn's POV
"Didn't he almost cost you your friendship with dove?" Finn Asked
Rhea's POV
"Now that you mention it yeah what's that to do with the current situation we're in?" Rhea Asked
Finn's POV
"This might be a huge stretch but do you think that was his plan the whole time he wanted you to destroy your friendship with dove so that he could control dove easier but when that didn't happen he got super mad and caused a scene basically scaring dove to the point of a mental breakdown so it would be easier for him to manipulate her but Damian came to the rescue before it was too late" Finn said
Rhea's POV
"Woah that's a lot to handle but now that you mention it everything add's up the long tangents about dove being a stubborn brat him snapping at her him causing a scene and his temper tantrum's him causing dove a mental breakdown it all adds up" Rhea said realizing that she was blind to what dom was fully capable of
Finn's POV
"Not to mention you almost fell for that to rhea put yourself in dove's boots imagine being so scared to do anything at all and pretending your ok and happy but are trying to find the light in the darkness imagine trying to find a safe way out of a toxic relationship" Finn said
Rhea's POV
*finn was right now having an understanding of how serious and dire the situation is rhea slowly approached dove and put a hand on her shoulder looking into the eyes of Dove*
Dove's POV
*she felt a strong hand on her shoulder and was met with the blue eyes of rhea the eyes of clear understanding, worry and concern she played with the rings on rhea's hand to calm herself down*
Rhea's POV
"Hey dove it's me your safe princess we have you now you can play with my rings if it's helping you come back to us you will ok princess you have me,damian and finn you will have us forever we love you dove" Rhea said leaning her forehead against dove's just like they had done back in NXT when each of them were stressed out and overwhelmed or sad
Dove's POV
*She takes deep breaths and leaned her forehead against Rhea's closing her eyes and and calm's down laying against Rhea exhusted her eyes feeling heavy*
Narrator's POV
Rhea picks dove up as if she weighed nothing and sat on the couch Dove fell asleep instantly Damian turns aroud with a smile to see dove asleep
Damian's POV
"You two managed calm her down and get her to sleep?" Damian asked
Rhea's POV
"Yeah all she needed was extra TLC she just needed someone to put a hand on her shoulder and look in her eyes and tell her she is safe now  and we think this was dominik's plan the whole time but that's a story for another time let's get miss princess here to Bed".Rhea said getting up off the couch carrying dove
Narrator's POV
the small family of four get dove into bed and tuck her in then go to their respective rooms tomorrow they would redecorate dom's former room and turn it into dove's new room

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