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Roman Bekele

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Roman Bekele

Mom and dad had spent the past one hour thanking God for Soren waking up.

"Ade, you need to eat something," mom said.

We all hadn't eaten since Saturday. I was so hungry.

I will stay with Soren, I don't want to leave his side.

"No, both of you should go home, I will remain," dad said. Me and your mom will take turns, you can come visit after school.

Dad, I don't want to go to school today, maybe tomorrow.

Desmond, let her rest today, she can resume tomorrow.

Dad agreed to my request. I left dad with some of my chocolate that I had bought from the vending machine. Mom and I were home thirty minutes later. We had been in such a hurry yesterday that we had forgotten to lock the door.

"Ade, we need to check the whole house," mom said. I will throw out all the food in the fridge in case someone poisoned it.

There was nothing missing in the house or suspicious looking thankfully. Mom threw out all the food. We had bought some fast food from Fish n Chips on our way back. Both of u were too exhausted to cook. As soon as I completed my food, I took a shower and fell asleep. I was exhausted.

I woke up after lunch. That is how tired I was. Mom had left. She had written a message for me. Gone to relieve your dad. Prepared some food for you and him. Dad must be exhausted, he had gone for many hours without proper rest or food. I ate lunch and switched on my phone. I had turned it off because I didn't want anyone to continue while I was in the hospital. I had many missed calls from Eloise, Jensen and our class teacher Mr. Callum Thomas. None from Tendai and Grayson. After what went down on Saturday, Tendai wasn't going to checkup on me. I texted Eloise and Jensen and informed them that something tragic had happened but I didn't get into detail. I promised to explain it to them tomorrow a school.

I turned off my phone again so as not to be bothered. All I wanted to think about was my little brother. My own life meant nothing without him in my life. He is fighting for his life because of my words. I was the one who urged him to use his investigative skills to solve mom's acid attack case and the discovery had led to him almost loosing his life. If he dies I know I will never forgive myself.

Dad came home exhausted as I predicted. I served him food which he finished in under five minutes and went to rest. Mom came back in the night to sleep while dad went back to the hospital. Mom told me that Soren was awake but he hadn't said a word. He was still being closely monitored.

I returned to school on Wednesday. Yesterday, I refused to go to school and spent the entire day at the hospital. Today, however, he told me that I had to go to school. I used the tube to get to school. I found the disciplinary school Mr. Phillip Ngonzi at the entrance of the school. "Why are you late Kamara?" Mr. Ngonzi asked. Sir, my brother is in the hospital, he was poisoned. "Really," he said. How is he doing now? He has opened his eyes but he's still on oxygen. Who the hell would want to kill your brother, he's a nice boy? I don't know sir, the police are investigating. I wish him a quick recovery, please keep the school updated on his health.

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