A Minor Mistake

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I begin to awaken from my sudden nap, last thing I remember was giving Ciel the go ahead to merge the two dragon factors for my evolution.

As I try moving, I am struck with an odd pain in my head.

"Damnit." I grab my head in pain, but it faded just as quickly, I suppose Ciel had something to do with that. I'll thank her later as well as ask what that was.

I had begun to rub the back of my head, Instinctively grabbing some of my hair and pulling it outwards in front of me. There was a noticeable change with it, it had changed from its usual Blue now to Black. Was this another effect from my evolution? Had to be.

The most noticeable change of all I had felt the moment I woke up. My energy, it was off the charts. That Turn Null energy that I had been slowly stockpiling in the past, was now seemingly endless. Imaginary Space itself is basically infinite and can store everything, yet it felt like this energy truly did fill it up now.

{Welcome Back Master, Enjoying your evolution thus far?} Ciel now asked me.

I let out a minor sigh, but then proceeded to smirk. I was glad to hear her voice again, however I am curious as to how long this evolution took. But, thats not important information.

"Going quite well."

But first I am curious about one thing. So I decided to ask.

"Ciel, can you swap my perspective? I wish to see my current appearance."

And just like that, she did as I asked. I could now see myself even better. It was quite the drastic change if I say so.

I did indeed get taller, about six feet in height now. My hair did indeed remain long, but as I said the color changed to black. My eyes were still as golden as they always have been, however there was now a tinge of a dark purple mixed in. Odd combination, but its now big deal. Is what I would say if I didn't notice the magic circle spinning within my pupils.

Suddenly, I hear Ciel let out a minor cough, as if she was ready to explain something she was proud of.

{That my master, is a magic circle that I developed to work in conjuncture with the Turn Null energy within Imaginary Space. You will see its effects once you need to test it out. I will conceal it for the moment though.} Ciel said sounding all proud. If it was something that worked side by side with that energy, then it must've been quite dangerous.

"Alright then, I wont question it. Anything else?" I asked her.

{There is, do you recall that "pain" you had awoke with?}

"Yes, what of it?"

{It appears that when we merged with the Factor, its memories are combining with your own. I have halted that by sealing the memories. If master wishes to look at them, then I will allow it.} She said.

Hm. So this thing had memories of its own. And now they are becoming my own. Let's brush it off for now, I will look at them when I have the time.

"Not now, but. Do we have the power to go back?" I asked.

{Indeed Master, are you prepared to activate Space-Time Leap?} Ciel asked, I merely smirked to this question and responded.

"Lets go, you know how much I hate losing. Lets go back and end this angel."

Hm... that was odd. That last bit came out a tad bit aggressive. Must've just been a minor slip of the tongue. Nothing big...

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