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Moments Earlier:

"Where is Feldway?" I had asked Ciel, wanting to unleash my anger onto the bastard who caused all this damage and devastation.

As I was awaiting her answer, I had begun to notice the absorption of an intense amount of magicules heading within a single direction. Someone was gathering a large amount of power.

My suspicions raised as my alertness was put on full blast with these sudden events.

{Feldway is the one concocting this attack master, he is located at the Ice Continent locked in battle with Demon Lord Guy and Diablo.} Ciel said.

"So a few of my friends were still alive at the moment? It's better than no one to say the least. Those two are stubborn as hell, so it's no wonder." I said casually.

{Indeed, Veldora has also been alive all this time.} Ciel mentioned. My eyes widened at this information because it seemed like nearly everyone was dead and gone, so if he was alive then where was he?

{He has been stored within the Imaginary Space since you got transported there, he has been asleep this entire time.}

"Oh, I see. Guess thats my own fault, I need to pay more attention. But, enough said, lets go end this bastard." I say resolutely, ready to put an end to this conflict once and for all, despite not being able to save everyone, I will avenge them in the least.

{It is worth being noted that Ivaraj is also unsealed and is resting nearby the current battle taking place.} Ciel seemed to caution me, but her tone was still more casual, as if he wasn't a threat. I won't note it, but I will still be cautious of Ivaraj.

With that in mind I began to speed off to the battle field at immense speeds. I began to notice that the attack formed by Feldway had gained a massive amount of energy and was seemingly ready to release considering he looked to stop adding more magicules to it.

I stopped in my tracks to take in the sight, it was impressive and slightly intimidating to say the least. Looking like a smaller spiral galaxy had formed above our heads. I guess Ciel felt my slight caution and spoke up.

{There is not need to worry about this, keep your gaze set on this attack.} Ciel said in what I felt to be quite a cheeky manner. But, nonetheless I shrugged this off and did as she said.

The next event was astounding to me. I felt what seemed to be a massive amount of energy leave my body. Not just any energy at that, the Nihility energy that fills my Imaginary Space. The next thing I knew, this false galaxy that threatened the existence of the very world had vanished.

"What?" Was all I could muster to get out as some kind of reaction. I had no clue as to what happened in this single instant.

{Does Master recall what he noticed about his eyes earlier. The magical formation that took place in it?} Ciel had asked abruptly, to which I merely nodded my head.

{Well, think of that magical formation as a door or window into the Imaginary Space. And since this Nihility Energy essentially fills the space, it comes rushing out the moment the door is opened. However, I can control this to however much energy is necessary or needs to be released. I used it in its raw and unfiltered destruction to destroy the attack on the conceptual level.} Ciel explained, quite proudly at that. This energy is nothing short of being a last resort, but if it can be used to get rid of great threats like that, then I will be all for it.

I only let out a minor sigh at the sight of what happened, it was quite incredible but still dangerous knowing the kind of power that remained in my palms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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