Chapter 1: Annika

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*BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!* My eyes flew open at the sound of my alarm blasting through the room. "ANNI! TURN YOUR ALARM OFF, IT HAS BEEN GOING OFF FOR THE PAST 10 MINUTES!" My mum yelled from downstairs, I think. God this alarm is loud.
"Sorry mum!" I quickly turned the alarm off and got out of bed.

Walking into the bathroom, I look at my reflection in the mirror. God I look awful. That's what I get for drinking on a school night I guess. I grabbed my toothbrush and paste and began brushing my teeth as I grab my towel from the cupboard to take a shower.

After I'm done, I get dressed, I put on black flared jeans and a white cropped jumper. I decide to leave my hair down and just put on some light makeup. As I walked out of my room, I grabbed my headphones and gum and then put my phone in my Jean pocket and grabbed my bag stuffing everything else inside. I'm not the most organised person, but hey, at least I try.

Walking down the stairs, I could smell the scent of pancakes and quickened my pace

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Walking down the stairs, I could smell the scent of pancakes and quickened my pace. "Took you long enough to come down." My mum said, as she took an ice coffee out of the fridge. "Like you don't take forever."
"Anni, don't talk to your mum like that." My dad scolded as he flipped a pancake over in the pan. "Sorry, now can I have a pancake?" I say in an innocent voice, batting my eyelashes. "Sure, take as many as you want, the peanut butter and nutella are in the cupboard." My dad said, concentrating on the pan whilst gesturing towards the cupboard to the left of him.

"Thanks dad." I say, grabbing a plate and opening the cupboard. I start applying the peanut butter to half of the pancake and nutella to the other and start adding bananas and strawberries to it before I fold it up and take a huge bite. "I do not know how you eat that." My mum said, outwardly cringing at my pancake. People usually find it weird that I put half peanut butter and half nutella on my pancake, usually people only do one or the other, not both. But I've always liked a little bit of everything. "Well you don't have to, no one's forcing you to are they?" I say before taking another bite out of the pancake.

After I'm done I kiss both my parents on the cheek and grab my bag and head out the door. Just as I get into the car, my phone starts ringing. I pull it out and see Kim's face pop up, I answer it immediately. "Hey Kim, are you and Rey already at school?"
"Yeah, are you nearly there?"
"Ugh, yeah, like 5 minutes away." I say, looking to the side and seeing my house, which is 15 minutes away from school.
"You only just got out of your house didn't you?" Kim says on the other end, catching my lie.
"Maybe….look, I'll get there as fast as possible, see you there, bye!"
"Bye." I hang up and quickly start the engine and speed down the road.

As I pull up into the school's parking lot, I see Kim and Reina at the entrance. I grab my bag and get out of my car and start walking towards them. Reina sees me first and yells my name as she starts walking towards me and Kim follows.
"Hey girl, haven't seen you in ages!" Reina says, putting an arm around my shoulder and linking arms with Kim.
"Rey, you saw me last night at the party." I say as Kim giggles.

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